
Cobalt Light Systems, now a part of Agilent, develops innovative products and technologies for non-invasive, through-barrier chemical analysis, for applications in the pharmaceutical industry, applied markets and public safety. With Agilent's strong position in HPLC, LC-MS, software, and spectroscopy solutions we are now building one of the industrya??s most complete portfolios directed at end to end workflows in pharmaceutical research and production facilities.

TRS 100 Insight 200 RapID Resolve
TRS 100 Insight 200M RapID Resolve

About Cobalt

Founded in 2008 as a spin-out from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Cobalt is headquartered in Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Cobalt will become the new global center for Agilent's Raman Spectroscopy business.

Unique Technologies

Cobalt's proprietary technologies use novel variants of Raman spectroscopy. Cobalt's instruments can rapidly and accurately identify materials hidden inside objects or through opaque barriers such as plastic, colored glass, paper and skin, or can measure the concentrations of materials in mixtures, with a high degree of accuracy.

Innovative Products

Cobalt's innovative suite of benchtop and handheld/portable Raman spectroscopic instruments are applied in a range of applications, including:
  • Pharmaceutical quantitative analysis of tablets and capsules
  • Raw materials ID verification of pharmaceutical incoming goods
  • Handheld detection of hazardous chemicals, explosives and narcotics
  • Airport security screening of liquids, aerosols and gels
  • Non-invasive biological analysis, including screening for diseases
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