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Growth Frontiers: Our Stage Reflections from the 2024 Summer Davos Forum

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Yang Ting, Vice President and General Manager of Agilent Greater China, after the opening ceremony of the 15th Summer Davos Forum.

The 15th Summer Davos Forum (2024 New Champions Annual Meeting) concluded successfully in Dalian at the end of June. This significant  national-level,  diplomatic,  and business forum serves as a crucial window for the world to understand China. It also provides China with a platform to and for China to communicate with the world. Centered around the theme “Next Frontiers for Growth,” the forum focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, guiding us to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the ever-changing global landscape.

Participation and Insights

As a representative of a multinational technology company, Agilent was honored to attend this high-profile event for the first time. Outside the events, we had the opportunity to engage in in-depth discussions with industry leaders and executives, exchanging insights on industry opportunities and corporate development strategies. This article summarizes are the takeaways and reflections from the forum.

Confidence in Growth

With the global economy facing a slowdown and the benefits of economies of scale decreasing, numerous industries are moving from uncontested "blue oceans" to competitive "red oceans." Facing these challenges, where does the future growth momentum lie? This was a primary concern for most attendees and a key motivation for observing and seeking solutions from China. Although these issues cannot be resolved in a single meeting, the forum aimed to enhance understanding, build consensus, and foster confidence for collective efforts towards a unified direction.

Premier Li Qiang’s speech at the opening ceremony left a profound impression. His practical suggestions for growth, including seizing opportunities from technological revolutions, and industrial transformations, resonated with my observations. China’s commitment to creating a market-oriented, law-based, and international business environment, along with its openness to foreign investment, instilled confidence in the audience.


The forum’s agenda was packed with engaging content, with a significant focus on artificial intelligence (AI). Discussions covered various aspects, such as leveraging AI for business development and industry advancement. The popularity of these sessions highlighted the immense interest in AI. We anticipate that generative AI and large language models will enhance operational efficiency and customer experience in high-end manufacturing sectors like Agilent.

 Agilent attended parallel forums on “Biological Innovation for a Better Future” and “Unlocking the Potential of Biotechnology.” These sessions brought together investors, pharmaceutical and technology executives, and researchers. The discussions emphasized the value of synthetic biology and the industry’s efforts to accelerate the adoption of new technologies. From a scientific instruments perspective, we can provide better technical support to help companies innovate and commercialize their research.

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Yang Ting at the entrance of the forum before attending the parallel session

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development was a key theme in Premier Li Qiang’s speech. Agilent’s commitment to sustainability is well-recognized in the industry. Sustainable development is no longer just a vision; it requires concrete actions from both companies and individuals. Agilent is dedicated to contributing to this cause through innovative solutions and localized development.

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Yang Ting in front of the forum’s landmark scenery.


In conclusion, the new technologies and emerging sectors discussed at the forum present significant opportunities for Agilent. Our strategy is to balance innovation and economic viability, support customers in enhancing laboratory operations, and develop digital and intelligent solutions in line with the AI revolution. As we navigate these growth frontiers, we remain committed to our mission of improving human life through insightful and innovative solutions. 欧美日韩国产在线人成网站欧美日韩国产综合人成91欧美日韩激情综合一区二区欧美日韩精美视频在线观看,欧美日韩国产精品自在自线欧美日韩国产免费一区二区三区欧美日韩激情无码专区欧美日韩精品一区二区三区不卡 国产精品视频专区,韩国二区,情欲综合网,春色www视频在线观看 亚洲日韩亚洲另类激情文学-无码av免费一区二区三区四区-成人国产一区二区三区香蕉-国产精品va在线观看无码电影-精品人妻一区二区三区四区在线

欧美日韩国产在线人成网站欧美日韩国产综合人成91欧美日韩激情综合一区二区欧美日韩精美视频在线观看,欧美日韩国产精品自在自线欧美日韩国产免费一区二区三区欧美日韩激情无码专区欧美日韩精品一区二区三区不卡 国产精品视频专区,韩国二区,情欲综合网,春色www视频在线观看 亚洲日韩亚洲另类激情文学-无码av免费一区二区三区四区-成人国产一区二区三区香蕉-国产精品va在线观看无码电影-精品人妻一区二区三区四区在线