Mass spec-based discovery, measurement, & validation of protein biomarkers

From discovery to clinical utility ... in oncology and inflammatory disease.

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Stephen Pennington,?Professor of Proteomics at? (UCD) discusses his?focus on bringing protein biomarker research endeavors to clinical utility and value. His research group’s interests and activities are joined by a common theme of measurement of protein expression and function on a comprehensive proteomics scale.

Current projects are focused on the mass spectrometry-based discovery, measurement, and validation of protein biomarkers to take them from discovery to clinical utility, in oncology and inflammatory disease.?The team is also investigating the mechanisms of disease progression focussing on prostate cancer?and psoriatic arthritis.

Professor Pennington is also the Founder and CSO of?,?a UCD spinout company?developing blood-based biomarker tests that help clinicians make better patient treatment decisions.

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