Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) congratulates the winners of the Partnership with Industry program, which the company sponsors at the National University of Singapore. Agilent's Basic Instruments Division and the National University of Singapore's department of Electrical and Computer Engineering conduct the program for final-year engineering students to work on projects that are driven by real-world industry needs. Three finalists were chosen at the end of the two-semester project and given cash awards for their winning work. The program provides students an opportunity to work on actual projects that meet real industry demands. Engineering students developed test applications using Agilent's VEE Pro software and the Agilent U2300 Series data acquisition instruments. The students were given eight months to research and conduct in-depth analysis of their projects and create a fully functional test solution. They generally work independently, with guidance from an academic supervisor. Upon completion of the project, the students' work is evaluated by a panel of judges who discern the project's innovation and real-world usage as well as the knowledge learned. "We are very happy to sponsor this project for our local university," said Ee Huei-Sin, vice president of Agilent's Basic Instruments Division. "Supporting this competitive event is an excellent way for Agilent to reinforce the company's commitment to education, as well as expand the skills of our future engineers." The three winning projects are:
  • Remote Monitoring: Measuring stress and strains in a physical system such as the structure of a bridge.
  • Intelligent Monitoring and Triggering: Monitoring physical variables in a manufacturing or process environment.
  • Flexible LCD/Plasma TV Color Temperature Testing: Ensuring even brightness on the various points of a display screen.
"Programs such as this create mutually beneficial relationships with our academic customers," said Mike Kawasaki, Agilent's Education Program marketing manager, who was also one of the judges in the competition. "Professors and students gain access to Agilent's equipment and engineers. Agilent benefits from receiving innovative solutions to real-world measurement problems."

Additional information about Agilent's Education and Community Relations programs can be found at