Agilent Technologies Inc. today announced support of 44 new research projects at 34 universities around the world. The project themes span the full spectrum of Agilent's interests in bio-analytical and electronic measurement technologies. Most of the projects are in the bio-analytical arena and support developments in chemical separation methods and DNA analysis applied to problems such as food safety, cancer biology and environmental monitoring. Electronic measurement projects are focused on advanced circuit design and microwave imaging. North America accounts for 26 projects at 17 leading research institutions, with Europe and Asia contributing nine projects each at a total of 17 universities. Among the institutions to receive funding are Stanford University; the University of California, Berkeley, Davis, San Diego and San Francisco campuses; University of Michigan; and University of Washington in the U.S.; Tsinghua University in Beijing, China; and the University of Karlsruhe in Germany. Thirty-eight Agilent employees from the U.S., Germany, China, Japan and Penang are providing guidance and consultation to these university research projects. "Agilent invests in understanding and developing measurement technologies that advance measurement instrumentation and applications," said Jack Wenstrand, director of University Relations and External Research at Agilent. "Our R&D personnel worldwide play an active role in engagements with top universities on topics of mutual interest."

More details about Agilent's Program for University Research are available on the Agilent University Relations Web site at