Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced that  (NTU) has selected Agilent as the supplier of RF test equipment for its Virtus IC design centre of excellence. The move is designed to build a long-term relationship focusing on the growing education market in Asia. Virtus aims to be a world-class design house, developing key technologies required to design integrated circuits and systems for use in consumer electronics, medical equipment and clean energy generation. The equipment, including signal generators, a network analyzer, and integrated circuit characterization and analysis software, will be used for research projects approaching the terahertz range, starting with WiGig applications and higher-frequency 325-GHz projects. "Agilent has enabled us to bring in new technologies and know-how to accelerate the development of NTU's research and design capabilities," said Professor Yeo Kiat Seng, Founding Director of Virtus and Head of Division of Circuits and Systems at NTU's School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. "In addition, the excellent support and research engagement with Agilent have helped to expose our faculty, researchers and students to the realities and opportunities in the new knowledge-based economy." "Education and research is an important growth market for Singapore," said Lawrence Liu, the sales manager in Agilent's Electronic Measurement Group, South Asia Pacific region. "Agilent recognizes the talent of NTU's researchers and students and is proud to be able to contribute to the school's future success."

About Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a research-intensive university with globally acknowledged strengths in science and engineering. The university has roots that go back to 1955 when Nanyang University was set up. Today, NTU has four colleges with 12 schools, and three autonomous entities, the National Institute of Education, the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, and the Earth Observatory of Singapore. As Singapore's main science and technology university, NTU makes significant contributions to the nation's renewed drive for research and innovation spearheaded by the Singapore National Research Foundation (NRF). NTU's strengths in biomedical sciences, environmental and water technologies, and interactive and digital media mirror the NRF's research focus. NTU has a strong and broad international reach covering academic and research partnerships with top institutions in the US, Europe and Asia, such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, Cornell University, Caltech, University of Washington, Georgia Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Cambridge University, Imperial College, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Waseda University, and the Indian Institute of Technology. For more information, visit .