Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced it will co-host a two-day workshop focused on environmental analysis techniques with the University of Arizona, March 18-19 in Tucson, Ariz. "We are pleased to collaborate with the University of Arizona and bring together some of the world's leading scientists in the field of environmental analysis," said Joe Weitzel, director of global field marketing for Agilent's Chemical Analysis Group. "We have put together a strong program that will provide a great opportunity for attendees to interact with important scientists and learn about new environmental methods and applications for analyzing trace contaminants." Agilent and host  of the University of Arizona have arranged 12 environmental presentations for March 18. A series of five workshops on optimizing environmental applications will take place the next day. Keynote speakers include professor Snyder, Dr. Michael Thurman and Dr. Imma Ferrer from the University of Colorado;  from Vogon Laboratories; Nick Davies from , in Wales; and  with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These and other scientists will discuss many topics related to the use of LC-MS, GC-MS, and ICP-MS techniques in the field of organic and inorganic environmental analysis. Environmental customers and scientists involved in the use of LC-MS, GC-MS, ion chromatography and ICP-MS techniques for trace analyses are invited to  for the event as soon as possible. Space is limited.

Program Highlights

Presentations March 18:

  • "Advanced analytical techniques for characterizing recycled water," professor Shane Snyder - University of Arizona.
  • "Analysis of hydraulic fracturing water by LC/QTOF MS," Dr. Michael Thurman - University of Colorado.
  • "Accurate mass software tools for the analysis of trace pharmaceuticals and consumer products in water," Dr. Imma Ferrer - University of Colorado.
  • "Analysis of algal toxins in Alberta lakes by accurate mass LC/MS/MS," Ralph Hindle - Vogon Laboratories, Calgary.
  • "Taste and odor compounds in potable water by GC/MS/MS," Nick Davies - Welsh Water.
  • "Use of accurate mass LC/TOF for the identification of unknown perfluorinated contaminants in water," Dr. Mark Strynar, U.S. E.P.A. Research Triangle Park, N.C.

Workshops March 19:

  • Discussion of latest analyzers, toolkits and databases for Agilent GC/MS (GC/MSD, GC/QTOF and GC/MS/MS) systems.
  • Accurate Mass Screening for trace contaminants in water using an Agilent UHPLC QTOF MS.
  • Automated sample preparation of water and wastewater using online SPE for enrichment and cleanup of samples with LC/QQQ and LC/QTOF.
  • LC/MS libraries, personal compound databases and software tools for the analysis of trace contaminants.
  • Tips and tricks on optimizing ion chromatography environmental methods to be hyphenated with Mass Spectrometer Detector.
Presentations and workshops will be held at the University of Arizona (BIO5 Building), in Tucson. Register and view a detailed program schedule . Agilent Technologies is a leading provider of analytical solutions for identifying, quantifying and characterizing a myriad of trace-level substances that make up the global environment. Agilent's complete portfolio of  enables scientists to test for biological and chemical components in air, water, biota and soil. Agilent has partnered with environmental scientists and institutions for more than 40 years to bring advanced analysis technology to the environmental research, legislative and protection industries.

About the University of Arizona's Snyder Research Group

 is located at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Ariz., and comprises two core laboratories on campus. Dr. Snyder and his research team also have instruments and pilot scale equipment at several locations in and around Arizona, including water treatment plants.