Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced the release of a new accessory kit that enables the company's Dako Omnis system to analyze tissue samples using three different techniques simultaneously.

With the new kit, the system can now process not only immunohistochemical (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays, but also chromogenic in situ hybridization (CISH) assays.

"Now, all the tests for a specific case can be run simultaneously, and you can get full results in a greatly reduced timeframe, enabling better patient case management," said Kirsten Sondersted-Olsen, head of marketing at Agilent's Pathology Division. Dako Omnis is a fully automated, walk-away solution for staining tumor samples so that pathologists are better able to recognize tissue structures and cellular details when making a diagnosis. The new Anti-FITC/AP CISH Accessory Kit for the Dako Omnis system enables clinicians to detect FITC-labeled probes and convert the fluorescent signal to a chromogenic endpoint. With its short CISH protocol and high slide and reagent capacity, Dako Omnis processes CISH and FISH slides in an IHC-like turnaround time–fast and with high quality. All three testing modalities–IHC, FISH, and CISH–can be run at the same time with minimal impact to turnaround time.