Agilent Technologies Inc. (NYSE: A) today announced that it will host the western regional conference of the National Academy of Engineering, along with a technical symposium—Bioengineering, Advancing Our World—at company headquarters in Santa Clara, California, on March 28, 2019. Open to the public; the symposium will be led by Darlene Solomon, Agilent senior vice president, and chief technology officer. It will feature four of bioengineering's leading innovators, who will highlight their research in precision medicine, biomaterials for drug delivery, cellular manufacturing, and biological systems. Steve Quake is the Lee Otterson Professor of Bioengineering, co-president of the Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub, and a professor of applied physics at Stanford University. Quake's interests lie at the nexus of physics, biology, and biotechnology. His research is concerned with developing new approaches to biological measurement and applying them to problems of both fundamental and medical interest. Tejal Desai is the Ernest L. Prien Professor and chair of the department of bioengineering and therapeutic sciences for the University of California, San Francisco. Her research brings together advanced micro and nanotechnologies, fundamental insights into cellular behavior in engineered environments, and novel pharmacologic delivery approaches. Jay Keasling is a professor of chemical engineering and bioengineering with the University of California, Berkeley. He is also chief science and technology officer for biosciences at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and chief executive of the Joint BioEnergy Institute. His interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers focuses on engineering the chemistry inside microbial cells to produce lifesaving therapies, clean-burning fuels, and new materials for a variety of applications. Karl Deisseroth is the D.H. Chen Professor of Bioengineering, as well as a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University. His lab develops and applies tools for controlling and mapping specific elements within intact biological systems. "Our ability to measure, understand, and apply biology is advancing rapidly, enabling transformational improvement to the human condition; this is Agilent's mission, and we are delighted to see today's terrific participation," said Solomon. "I'm grateful to NAE and our extraordinary speakers for their contributions to this exciting symposium for our Greater Bay Area technical community." "Everyone attending the Regional Meeting is deeply appreciative of the contributions of the distinguished speakers, and of Agilent too, that make this meeting so exceptional," said C. D. Mote Jr., president of the National Academy of Engineering. "I never get over how generous, so many contributors are with their time, talents, and facilities, which when taken together are the academy's value to society. I appreciate Agilent's willingness to host the meeting, and for doing it so well."