Community and Giving

Agilent’s worldwide community involvement programs focus on science education and healthy communities.
Judges monitor a robot's passage through the pit
Judges monitor a robot's passage through the pit

Inspiring the Scientists and Engineers of Tomorrow

Student Robotics Competition Held at Santa Rosa Site -- Agilent’s Santa Rosa, Calif., site hosted more than 50 high-school and junior-college students for the sixth annual Agilent-MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement), robotics competition. With robots designed, built and programmed by the students using Lego Mindstorms NXT kits, 20 teams competed in three events. One event, “Beat the Agilent Experts,” pitted students’ robots against one designed by Agilent engineers.

The competition was one of three in this year’s Agilent-MESA 2009 program. Separate contests were held earlier this spring for middle-school and high-school students. MESA, a public program funded by state and corporate grants, helps pre-college students succeed in math and science studies and advance to four-year colleges. The robotics events are sponsored by a grant from the Agilent Technologies Foundation.

Please contact the Agilent Philanthropy and Community Relations contact for information about community involvement activities in your area .

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