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Professor Rosina Georgiadis

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Agilent helps professor break new ground in teaching instrumental analysis

The old way of teaching instrumental analysis wasn’t going to work for Rosina Georgiadis

A professor of chemistry at Boston University, Georgiadis didn’t want her students to struggle the way she and every one of her peers had struggled to master the ins and outs of complex analytical instruments. She didn’t want them to continually wait for help from a lone lab assistant, afraid they’d mess up and damage a costly instrument. She didn’t want them to simply run a sample through an instrument that had already been optimized for their experiment, so please don’t change anything! She didn’t want them to jockey for time in the lab, often having to go there late at night when the instrument they needed was finally free.

She did want them to all be working on the same experiment at the same time, which was not how it worked when she was a student. By necessity, her labs had taken a round-robin approach back then, with different groups working on different instruments, then rotating, to make the most of limited resources.

“All of my students do all of the experiments, and we do them all in the same order,” she says.
Panagiotis Manesiotis, PhD

Rosina Georgiadis, PhD
Professor of Chemistry
Boston University
Boston, Massachusetts

A new way of teaching instrumental analysis

Selected publications

Georgiadis RM, Streu K, Lee NC.
 Anal Bioanal Chem. 2018 Apr;410(11):2657-2662. doi: 10.1007/s00216-018-0963-4

Golden MS, Cote SM, Sayeg M, Zerbe BS, Villar EA, Beglov D, Sazinsky SL, Georgiadis RM, Vajda S, Kozakov D, Whitty A.
 J Am Chem Soc. 2013 Apr 24;135(16):6242-56. doi: 10.1021/ja400914z. Epub 2013 Apr 10.

Gao Y, Wolf LK, Georgiadis RM.
 Nucleic Acids Res. 2006 Jul 5;34(11):3370-7.

Wolf LK, Gao Y, Georgiadis RM.
Langmuir. 2004 Apr 13;20(8):3357-61.

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