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7850 ICP-MS
The Agilent 7850 ICP-MS?

7850 ICP-MS

Free your ICP-MS analysis from common time traps with the Agilent 7850 ICP mass spectrometer. It’s the smart way to reduce wasted time so busy staff can focus on tasks that deliver value.? The 7850 ICP-MS is an ICP mass spectrometer that can handle samples with up to 25% solids, reducing the dilution time trap. The instrument features a helium mode collision cell and half mass correction that remove both polyatomic and doubly charged ion interferences, making method development simpler and addressing a common cause of time-wasting sample remeasurement.

Check out how the Agilent 7850 ICP mass spectrometer boosts lab efficiency and helps reclaim wasted time throughout your ICP-MS analysis.

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