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AssayMAP Bravo Protein Sample Prep Platform
The AssayMAP Bravo

AssayMAP Bravo Protein Sample Prep Platform

The AssayMAP Bravo platform combines precision liquid flow control, microchromatography cartridges with diverse resin chemistries, and intuitive software to bring the power of chromatography to sample preparation. The system is tailored to address the wide variety of protein sample preparation workflows used in proteomics and biotherapeutic drug discovery and development.

Automated protein sample preparation with the AssayMAP Bravo minimizes variability, sample handling errors, and manual labor. Pre-optimized protocols and permission levels provide a walk-up solution that makes automation accessible for everyone with minimal training. Optional compliance enabling features allow workflows to be seamlessly passed from noncompliant to compliant labs, making the AssayMAP Bravo the ideal automated sample preparation solution for every stage of the drug discovery process.

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