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On-Deck Thermal Cycler
The Agilent On-Deck Thermal Cycler

On-Deck Thermal Cycler

The on-deck thermal cycler (ODTC) is a critical tool in many genomics and molecular biology workflows.? This optional accessory enables the Agilent Bravo automated liquid handling platform to provide thermal cycling as part of an automated protocol and extends walk-away time. This setup is beneficial especially for applications such as library preparation and target enrichment steps in next-generation sequencing (NGS) workflows, end-point PCR, and cell-based applications.?

VWorks software enables full integration of the ODTC with the Agilent Bravo platform, allowing direct pipetting into skirted 96-well PCR plates. Along with prevalidated protocols for SureSelect NGS reagents, the ODTC helps minimize sample preparation time, effort, and complexity for a streamlined workflow.

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