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Bravo Disposable Pipette Tips
High-performance Agilent Bravo pipette tips

Bravo Disposable Pipette Tips

Agilent offers disposable pipette tips in both 96- and 384-well formats specially designed, tested, and optimized for the Bravo Automated Liquid Handling Platform and the AssayMAP Bravo heads. All Agilent pipette tips undergo complete QC and functional performance testing for each lot.

The innovative processing and packaging of Bravo robotic tips helps address common concerns about lab disposable pipette tips used in automation, such as static buildup and deck space utilization. Additionally, the Agilent Bravo disposable pipette tips are the only pipette tips that are certified for use on Agilent Bravo Liquid Handling instrumentation, with the assurance that every tip meets our exacting accuracy and precision requirements.

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