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AdvanceBio Amino Acid Analysis (AAA)

AdvanceBio Amino Acid Analysis (AAA)

AdvanceBio Amino Acid Analysis (AAA) includes proven reagents for amino acid derivatization, a ready-to-use amino acid standards kit, columns based on innovative Poroshell technology, and expert support.

AdvanceBio AAA delivers fast, sensitive, and reproducible separations of amino acids in biological samples, protein hydrolysates, and cell culture media. Used alongside Agilent InfinityLab LC Series instruments, AdvanceBio AAA provides a complete solution for amino acid analysis.

AdvanceBio AAA columns are based on Agilent’s innovative 2.7 μm superficially porous particle (SPP) Poroshell technology—particles consist of a 1.7 μm solid core with a 0.5 μm porous shell.

The 2.7 μm SPPs provide 40-50 % lower backpressure with 80-90 % of the efficiency of sub-2 μm totally porous particles. The SPPs have a narrower particle size distribution than totally porous particles, which results in a more homogeneous column bed, and reduces dispersion
in the column. At the same time, the thin porous shell provides lower resistance to mass transfer. What’s more, since the columns incorporate a 2 μm frit, they are as
resistant to clogging as 3.5 and 5 μm columns.

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