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ZORBAX RRHD Wide Pore Reversed Phase HPLC Columns

ZORBAX RRHD Wide Pore Reversed Phase HPLC Columns

ZORBAX 300? StableBond columns are ideal for the reproducible separations of proteins and peptides. The wide, 300? pore on these reversed-phase HPLC columns is essential for an efficient separation of these large biomolecules, in order for them to completely access the bonded phase. The ZORBAX RRHD columns have 1.8 μm particles which are compatible with UHPLC and ideal for higher resolution separations with shorter run times. StableBond columns are available in four different bonded phases (C18, C8, C3, and Diphenyl) for selectivity and recovery optimization of proteins and polypeptides. To further increase sample recovery and improve efficiency for difficult proteins, 300StableBond columns can be used up to 80°C. 300SB-C18 and 300SB-C8 columns are an ideal choice for complex protein and protein digest separations. ZORBAX RRHD 300-HILIC columns are also available for glycopeptide analysis, which enable you to resolve peptide glycoforms.

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