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PL-SAX for Biomolecules
Bio IEX Ion Exchange Chromatography Columns

PL-SAX for Biomolecules

PL-SAX columns for biomolecules are ideal for the anion-exchange HPLC separations of synthetic oligonucleotides. The covalently linked strong anion exchange functionality extends the operating pH and temperature range, essential for oligonucleotide purification and analysis. With PL-SAX for Biomolecules, separations using denaturing conditions of temperature, organic solvent, and high pH are all possible.

PL-SAX for Biomolecules delivers improved chromatography for self-complementary or G-rich sequences that may associate to form aggregates or hairpin structures. The 5 μm material provides high-efficiency separations of n and n-1 sequences, with 8 μm, 10 μm, and 30 μm particles available for rapid scale-up.

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