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Microplate Washers & Dispensers

Microplate Automation & Detection

Microplate Automation and Detection Instruments for Walk Away Efficiency

Multimode microplate readers offer versatility to address a broad range of applications. Agilent BioTek multimode readers are configurable, providing a range of modules, options, and accessories to provide the most value for laboratory budget now, with future upgradability. Agilent BioTek absorbance readers provide great performance and ease of use for many applications. From basic ELISA to high throughput detection, absorbance readers offer tremendous functionality. The monochromator-based instruments provide UV-Vis detection while the filter-based readers deliver offer performance and value. Integration to Agilent BioTek automated stackers or incubators brings efficiency and increased throughput to many microplate reading workflows.

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Super Charge Your Cell Research: Agilent Cell Analysis Portfolio

Maximize your workflow efficiency and produce robust data with Agilent solutions in cell analysis.

High-Throughput Determination of Bacteriophage Host Range Using the Agilent BioTek LogPhase 600 Microbiology Reader - Application Note

Phage therapy presents as an alternative to combat antimicrobial resistance. This application note demonstrates the use of the Agilent BioTek LogPhase 600 microbiology plate reader to ascertain lytic phage activity against a panel of bacterial hosts for the determination of phage host range.

A Homogeneous FRET-based HTS Assay for Quantification of pRb in Cancer Cell Lines to Monitor Inhibition of G0/ G1 Cell Phase Transition

This application note presents a novel HTRF cell-based assay that quantifies endogenous phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein.

Automated ELISA Liquid Handling with the 406FX Combination Washer Dispenser

Here we describe how the 406 FX Washer Dispenser increases a laboratory’s efficiency and productivity by automating the liquid handling steps of an ELISA.
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Agilent BioTek 406 FX Washer Dispenser: Technology-Driven Application Diversity and Workflow Efficiency

Introducing Agilent BioTek’s new 406 FX microplate washer dispenser.

LAMP Assays: Kinetic characterization using a Multimode Microplate Reader

Isothermal nucleic acid amplification tests, such as Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) have emerged over the past 20 years as an alternative to PCR.

Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization

One of the challenges with multiplexing fluorophores in biological assays is being able to reliably distinguish the signal of one fluorophore from another.

Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy

Fixed samples for fluorescence microscopy applications can take many shapes and forms, including cultured cells in microplates, multicellular spheroids, tissue on slides, and whole organisms.
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