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GC/MS Application Solutions

Application-Specific GC/MS Solutions

GC/MS databases, libraries, and analyzers help you get the most from your Agilent GC/MS systems. Quickly implement targeted screening workflows using optimized MRM transitions from comprehensive GC/MS MRM databases. Use our mass spectral libraries for simplified, more reliable interpretation of your suspect screening results.

Mass spectral libraries that have been acquired using retention time locking (RTL) enable easy data comparison between instruments. Workflow kits combine MRM databases with methods and comprehensive workflow guides for fast setup of your specific application. Powerful library management software with extensive curated libraries and databases for Q-TOF instruments facilitates unknowns identification.? GC/MS analyzers are factory configured and tested analytical systems that include methods, databases, hardware, and consumables, ready to run your samples. Whatever your analysis, these solutions are available for faster setup of your specific application.

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Analyzer Solutions Guide for the Energy and Chemical Industry

In this guide, you will find Agilent's complete energy and chemical analyzer portfolio.

A Fast and Robust GC/MS/MS Analysis of 203 Pesticides in 10 Minutes in Spinach

This application note describes two approaches for achieving robust, multiresidue pesticide analysis in 10 minutes by GC/MS/MS.
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 Agilent Announces Cutting-Edge Advances in GC/MS and LC/Q-TOF Technology at ASMS 2024

Agilent is introducing two new products. The Agilent 7010D Triple Quadrupole GC/MS System (7010D GC/TQ) features the new HES 2.0 ion source, providing attogram-level sensitivity, unmatched robustness, and industry-leading uptime. The Agilent ExD Cell available for the 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF enhances peptide and protein characterization capabilities by adding electron capture dissociation (ECD).
Featured Applications & Industries
Food & Beverage Testing
Pesticide Analyzers & Application Kits
Agilent Analyzers and Application Kits let you rapidly implement the industry's most advanced technologies for trace-level analysis of residual pesticide contaminants.
Food & Beverage Testing
GC/MS Pesticide Analysis
The worldwide use of pesticides in food and supplement production has been a cause of increasing concern amongst retailers, regulators and end users.
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