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8697 Headspace Sampler
8697 Headspace Sampler

8697 Headspace Sampler

The 8697 Headspace Sampler and 8697 Headspace Sampler-XL tray are laboratory workhorses that combine the latest instrument intelligence with advanced hardware features. A microchannel-based EPC module with atmospheric compensation and valve-based sampling help minimize carryover and variability on the 8697 series samplers.

8697 headspace samplers are designed to be easy to learn, use, and maintain. They integrate directly with the Agilent 8890, 8860, and Intuvo 9000 GCs, so they can expertly guide users through the various tasks required to keep the whole system running optimally – automatic leak checks, guided troubleshooting, downloadable system logs, retention time and resolution charting, and consumable tracking.

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