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Electronic GC Leak Detector
CrossLab CS Electronic Leak Detector

Electronic GC Leak Detector

Electronic GC leak detectors are used to detect leaks in the tubing and connections of GC & GC/MS instruments. Laboratories that use expensive high-purity or hazardous gases for operation of GC instruments routinely use electronic leak detectors to prevent safety issues, reduced sensitivity and productivity, and shortened lifetimes of consumables.

The Agilent CrossLab Cartridge System (CS) Electronic GC Leak Detector will detect leaks or verify leak-free tubing and fittings for various gas types, including hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, and others, throughout the lab or site. The design of this new Agilent handheld leak detector is unique on the market. The cartridge design combines the two most critical GC flow path monitoring tasks, including flow rate and leak detection monitoring, into a single handheld system with the bundle offering. Our GC leak detectors can also be used for other analytical techniques like LC/MS and ICP-MS.

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