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NEW ExD Cell for LC/Q-TOF
Agilent ExD cell and Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF

NEW ExD Cell for LC/Q-TOF

The Agilent ExD cell is an add-on for the Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF which enhances the platform's abilities to characterize peptides and proteins by introducing electron capture dissociation (ECD). ECD is an additional technique for molecular fragmentation, complementary to collision-induced dissociation (CID). With the ExD cell, the system gains the capability to fragment intact proteins from the top down, distinguish isobaric residues through side-chain fragments, and produce informative fragments while preserving fragile modifications like glycosylation and phosphorylation.

The ExD cell's high ECD efficiency extends its functionality to analytes with lower charges (≥2+), overcoming a historical constraint for electron dissociation techniques. When combined with the benefits of the 6545XT, like ultrahigh vacuum and quadrupole isolation up to 4,000 m/z, it also becomes an ideal choice for top- and middle-down characterization of larger proteins.

Currently not available in Korea.

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