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Single Quadrupole LC/MS

LC/MS Instruments

Extensive Portfolio of LC/MS Instruments

The Agilent portfolio of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) instruments takes the performance of HPLC separation to another level with the sensitivity and specificity of mass spectrometry.

Add easy-to-use mass selective detection to your high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analyses with single quadrupole (SQ) LC/MSD. Achieve quantitative precision with triple quadrupole (TQ) mass spectrometry systems that break sensitivity and size barriers. Go untargeted and see more while identifying unknowns using time-of-flight (TOF/Q-TOF) high resolution mass spectrometry technology that delivers simultaneous accuracy, speed, and isotopic fidelity. The reliable family of Agilent LC/MS instruments provides a range of capability and performance to solve any LC/MS analysis challenge.

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Essential Supplies for LC/MS Workflows

These top supplies are recommended by Agilent technical experts to optimize your LC/MS workflows.
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Boost Efficiency and Productivity with Instrument Intelligence and Smart Automation

Boost efficiency and productivity with instrument intelligence and smart automation for LC/TQ, LC/TOF, and LC/Q-TOF workflows.

Maximize Throughput, Confident Results. Agilent MassHunter Software Suite

Designed to solve your everyday struggles, Agilent MassHunter software provides customizable features and capabilities that support diverse applications.

Innovation That Drives Breakthroughs in Biopharma - Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF System

Ultimate flexibility for more informed decisions. One instrument and multiple workflows for biopharma.
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 Scientist’s Choice Award for 'Best New Analytical Science Product of 2023' for the 6495D LC/TQ

The Agilent 6495D Triple Quadrupole Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) System has received the prestigious Scientist’s Choice Award for 'Best New Analytical Science Product of 2023'. This recognition comes after a rigorous selection process that involved nominations and a voting survey conducted among the scientific community.

Sustainability is closely tied to our mission to advance the quality of life. It drives our efforts to be a leading sustainable lab partner to our customers, to work toward a clean-energy future, and to be a top employer of diverse and inclusive talent. We're honored to be ranked in the top 20 of Time magazine's 500 most sustainable companies in the world.

The Scientists’ Choice Awards recognize the world’s most innovative and effective analytical technologies. Based on votes from scientists around the world, the Agilent 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS system won the award for Best Spectroscopy Product of 2022!
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