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1260 Infinity II LC System
Wide choice of modules for analytical HPLC and entry-level UHPLC

1260 Infinity II LC System

The 1260 Infinity II LC System is a robust analytical high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system that offers the widest choice of modules for analytical HPLC and entry-level UHPLC analysis. This HPLC instrument delivers the performance, reliability, and robustness you need for highest confidence in your daily HPLC results.

Building on the history of the Agilent 1100, 1200, and 1260 Infinity II series analytical HPLC systems, the 1260 Infinity II LC delivers robust HPLC results while providing several ease-of-use features, making it the standard system for reliable routine HPLC analysis.

Mix and match new modules with existing HPLC instrumentation to maximize uptime and minimize disruption. The 1260 Infinity II LC system puts you on the fast track to efficiency, optimizing speed and resolution for your HPLC analysis.

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