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1290 Infinity II LC System
High-speed pump for high-resolution UHPLC analyses

1290 Infinity II LC System

The Agilent 1290 Infinity II LC is an ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system designed for high efficiency in analytical LC and the lab. It provides a wide power range up to 1,300 bar and 5 mL/min for flexible use of columns in UHPLC and HPLC applications. It offers high robustness, as well as unmatched separation and detection performance, ensuring data is of the highest quality.

This UHPLC system features low dispersion for superior resolution, minimal carryover for reliable LC data, and unique detection capabilities with high sensitivity. It supports seamless integration into existing lab infrastructures and facilitates smooth method transfer from legacy or third-party equipment using Intelligent System Emulation Technology (ISET), optimizing productivity and reducing ownership costs.

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