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1290 Infinity II Bio LC System
1290 Infinity II Bio LC System

1290 Infinity II Bio LC System

The 1290 Infinity II Bio LC System is a UHPLC, binary or quaternary, consisting of biocompatible material for use in biopharma (e.g., critical quality attributes, such as Bio SEC) and other applications utilizing high salt and extreme pH conditions. Biocompatibility ensures the integrity of your biomolecules and robustness of the system.

Based on proven 1290 Infinity II LC technology, the system offers easy method transfer, including from legacy instrumentation, and saves time and effort spent on training. The 1290 Infinity II Bio LC System provides highest resolution and lowest dispersion at pressures up to 1300 bar for your biochromatography. A variety of bio flow cells are available for sensitive UV detection.

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