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FTIR Forensics Analyzer
The FTIR Forensics analyzer

FTIR Forensics Analyzer

With the Agilent FTIR forensics analyzer package, you will be able to identify liquid or solid substances in less than one minute, with little or no sample preparation. The choice between the portable, rugged 4500a ATR FTIR spectrometer or the compact, transportable 5500a ATR FTIR spectrometer allows you to customize your forensics solution to meet your needs.

In addition to its performance and ease-of-use, the FTIR forensics analyzer's comprehensive forensics database makes this system stand out. The ATR forensics library for Agilent mobile FTIR spectrometers contains 13,137 spectra specifically selected for the forensics market. It includes materials categorized as biochemicals, forensics, white powders, hazardous and toxic chemicals, HPV chemicals, food additives, and explosives. The FTIR forensics analyzer package also offers a drugs and NPS (new psychoactive substances) library containing a range of drugs and drug-related items ideal for drug identification applications.

For Forensic Use

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