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Raman Spectroscopy

Innovative Raman Spectrometers Using SORS & TRS for Noninvasive Chemical Analysis

Agilent Raman spectrometers use proprietary spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) and transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) in fields ranging from airport security screening and pharmaceutical quality control, to hazardous chemical identification in the field.

SORS enables our Raman spectrometers to analyze through containers and opaque barriers, from helping first responders identify the contents of suspect packages, to high-throughput raw material identification inside unopened packaging at pharmaceutical quality control. TRS nondestructively screens whole tablets and capsules in seconds, for rapid content uniformity and polymorph analysis in pharma QC and formulation development.

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Raman Spectroscopy FAQ Guide

Learn about how Raman spectroscopy works, the Raman effect, the advantages and disadvantages of Raman, and more.

Raman Spectroscopy Applications Guide

A guide to Raman spectroscopy applications using Agilent handheld and benchtop Raman analyzers.

Molecular Spectroscopy Pharma & Biopharma Solutions Guide

Learn about products & applications in pharma & biopharma using UV-Vis, FTIR, fluorescence, SORS & TRS technology.

See how much and how soon you could save compared to your current content uniformity workflow.
Featured Literature

How Much Are False Alarms Costing You?

Find out how our false alarms might affect your airport’s bottom line with our easy to use calculator tool.

Identification of Oligonucleotide Starting Materials Directly Through Containers

Use of the Agilent Vaya Raman handheld spectrometer for the identification of oligonucleotide starting materials, phosphoramidites, directly through amber bottles.

Solutions for Accelerated Raw Materials Identification

This e-book describes how a through-container handheld Raman instrument can be used to reduce the turn around time and cost of pharmaceutical raw material quality control

Detection of Hazardous Narcotics and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) with Agilent Resolve—a Handheld SORS System

Use of Resolve allows the examination a maximum range of packages or containers for indications of hazardous materials before disturbing, opening, or taking a sample.
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Featured News

The Agilent TRS100 Raman system has been certified with the ACT label in the EU, UK, and US. This clear, third-party verified information about the system’s environmental impact makes it easy for laboratories to choose products that help them achieve their sustainability goals.

 Application Note - Vaya Identifies Raw Materials and APIs Through Blue Drums

This study demonstrates Vaya’s ability to verify the identity of pharmaceutical raw materials, ancillary products for pharmaceutical manufacturing, and APIs through opaque containers like blue drums, which are often used to store raw materials sensitive to ambient light. Vaya’s SORS technology and wizard-based method development means QC groups can easily develop methods to ID materials through blue drums.

In the United States, the Agilent Resolve was awarded the highest overall score amongst handheld Raman devices available in the market in an assessment conducted by the Department of Homeland Security's System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) program. In the independent evaluation performed by emergency responders, the Resolve also scored the highest in the "Capability" criterion, exceeding the expectations of all evaluators as it correctly identified samples through all containers used at the assessment.
Featured Training & Events

Boost Productivity and Eliminate Waste in Raw Material ID

Raw material identification (RMID) is a regulatory-enforced step in drug manufacturing for pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical organizations.

Implementing Transmission Raman for Fast Content Uniformity Testing – from Feasibility Evaluation to a Validated Release Method

The webinar highlights the approach that led to the implementation of transmission Raman spectroscopy for content uniformity testing at a pharmaceutical company. The webinar also discusses the reasons for using transmission Raman spectroscopy for content uniformity and how it works in conjunction with established liquid chromatography (LC) methods.

Molecular Spectroscopy Webinar Curriculum

Molecular Spectroscopy Webinar Curriculum includes UV-Vis, UV-Vis-NIR, fluorescence, handheld and benchtop FTIR, and Raman systems for high performance and flexibility

Spectroscopy Digital Workshops & Bootcamps

Hone your lab skills, outside the lab, with our live, interactive series of virtual workshops and software bootcamps! Learn about the latest in software solutions for Spectroscopy, discuss the entire analytical process from method development to data analysis, and participate in live analytical runs with our experts. We hope these will prepare you for future hands-on events in the future.
Featured References
  1. View all spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) and transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) peer-reviewed publications Learn More
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