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Journal Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications on SORS/TRS Concepts


 North, J., Saari-Nordhaus, R., Doddridge, G. et al. AAPS PharmSciTech 25, 76 (2024).

 N.I. Pedge, M. Papillaud, J-M. Roger, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 248 105115 (2024).


, Razvi, S.Z., Ma, S., Zhong, Q. et al. AAPS J 25, 90 (2023).

, Yao, J., Zhao, X., Wang, J. et al. Available at SSRN 4477738.


, Musikka, A., Aalto University, Master’s Thesis, 2022.

, Zhao, X, Wang, N, Liu, Y, et al., Journal of Chemometrics, 2022, e3462.

, Zhao, X., Wang, N., Zhu,, Molecules, 2022, 27, 1707.

, Zhao, X, Wang, N, Liu, Y, et al., Journal of Chemometrics, 2022, e3462.

, E. Fuini, A. Reimers et al., Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2022.

, G. Doddridge, E. Hong, D.C.T. Tan et al., AAPS PharmSciTech 23, 132 (2022).


, X. Wang et al., Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 194 (2021) 113766.

, Ana M. Blanco-Rodrigues, Robert Stokes, Proc. SPIE 11869, Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance Technologies V, 1186908 (20 September 2021).

, Meike Römer, Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules: Salts, Cocrystals, and Polymorphism, 79 (2021) 165-184.

, F. Thiel et al., Molecular Pharmaceutics, 18 (2021) 2428-2437. , F. Thiel et al., Crystal Growth and Design, 21 (2021) 4100-4110.


, T. Koide et al., Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 177 (2020) 112886.

, A. P. Karttunen et al., International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 574 (2020) 118882.

, H. J. Boyce et al., AAPS PharmSciTech, 21 (2020) 1–17.

, Y. Liu et al., Applied Spectroscopy, 74 (2020) 108–115.

B. Igne et al. J. Pharm. Innov., 14 (2019)
A Comparison Study, P.-Y. Sacré et al., Talanta, 207 (2019), 120306.
, M. Otsuka et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 565 (2019), 325-332.
, D. Andrews, K. Geentjens, B. Igne et al., J. Pharm. Innovation, (2018), published online 1st of February
, F. Theil, H. van Lishaut et al., Abbvie Deutschland GmbH & Co., Molecular Pharmaceutics, 15 (2018), 1870-1877.
, J. Griffen, A. Owen and P. Matousek, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 155 (2018), 276-283.
, Young-Il Lim, Myung Joo Kang et al., Chong Kun Dang Pharm. and College of Pharmacy, Dankook University, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 200 (2018), 26-32.

, Douglas Steinbach, Carl A. Anderson, Gary McGeorge, Benoit Igne, Robert W. Bondi, James K. Drennen III, J. Pharm. Innovation, 4 (2017), 347-356.

, David I. Ellis, Rebecca Eccles, Yun Xu, Julia Griffen, Howbeer Muhamadali, Pavel Matousek, Ian Goodall & Royston Goodacre, Scientific Reports, 7, 12082 (2017).

, A. Botteon, C. Conti, M. Realini, C. Colombo, P. Matousek, Analytical Chemistry, 89 (2017), 792-798.

, J. Griffen, A. Owen, D. Andrews, P. Matousek, Spectroscopy, 32 (4) (2017), 37-43.

, H. Feng, R. W. Bondi Jr, C. A. Anderson, J. K. Drennen III, B. Igne, Applied Spectroscopy, Published online March 30th 2017.

, F. Theil, S. Anantharaman, S. O. Kyeremateng, H. van Lishaut, S. H. Dreis-Kühne, J. Rosenberg, M. Mägerlein, G. H. Woehrle - AbbVie Deutschland GmbH - Molecular Pharmaceutics, 14 (2017), 183−192.


, M. Bautista, F. Tosini, M. Schneider, S. Steigmiller - Novartis Pharma AG - European Pharmaceutical Review, 6 (2016), 24-28.

, B. Gardner, N. Stone, P. Matousek, Faraday Discussions, 187 (2016), 329-339.

, P. Loeffen, G. Maskall, S. Bonthron, M. Bloomfield, C. Tombling, P. Matousek, Proc. SPIE 9995, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, and Defence XII, 99950D.

, P. Matousek, N. Stone, Chemical Society Reviews, 45 (2016), 1794-1802.

, P. Matousek, C. Conti, M. Realini, C. Colombo, Analyst, 141 (2016), 731-739.

, K. Sowoidnich, J. Churchwell, K. Buckley, A.E. Goodship, A.W. Parker, P. Matousek, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 47 (2016), 240-247.

, R. J. Stokes, M. Bailey, S. Bonthron, T. Stone, G. Maskell, O. Presly, E. Roy, C. Tombling, P. W. Loeffen, Proc. SPIE 9995, Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, and Defence XII, 999505.

, B. Gardner, P. Matousek, N. Stone, Analytical Chemistry, 88 (2016), 832-837.

, Y. Li, B. Igne, J. K. Drennen III, C. A. Anderson, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 498 Issues 1-2 (2016), 318-325.

, J. Griffen, A. Owen, J. Burley, V. Baresco, P. Matousek, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 128 (2016), 35-45.

A. Kumar, J. Lubach, J. Griffen, J. Wang, C. Y. Tsang, J. Hau, M. Bloomfield, P. Matousek, L. Wigman, American Pharmaceutical Review, Published online January 31st 2016.


, J. Griffen, A. Owen, P. Matousek, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Published online July 26th 2015.

, C. Conti, M. Realini, C. Colombo, K. Sowoidnich, N. K. Afseth, M. Bertasa, A. Botteon, P. Matousek, Analytical Chemistry, 87 (2015), 5810-5815.

, Y. Zhang, G. McGeorge, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, Published online June 16th 2015.

, J. Kerns, K. Buckley, A. Parker, H. Birch, P. Matousek, A. Hildred, A. Goodship, Journal of Archaeological Science 53 (2015), 516-520.

, K. Buckley, J.G. Kerns, J. Vinton, P.D. Gikas, C. Smith, A.W. Parker, P. Matousek, A.E. Goodship, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46 (2015), 610-618.

, C. Conti, C. Colombo, M. Realini, P. Matousek, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46 (2015), 476-482.


, J. A. Griffen, A. W. Owen, P. Matousek Analyst 140 (2015), 107-112 - published as HOT article November 2014.

, K. Buckley, J Kerns, P Gikas, H. Birch, J. Vinton, R. Keen, A. Parker, P. Matousek, A. Goodship, IBMS BoneKEy, 11 (2014), 602.

, C. Conti, C, Colombo, M. Realini, G. Zerbi, P. Matousek, Applied Spectroscopy, 68 (2014), 686-691.

, N.K. Afseth, M. Bloomfield, J.P. Wold, P. Matousek, Applied Spectroscopy, 68 (2014), 255-262.

, J.C. Burley, A. Aina, P. Matousek, C. Brignell, Analyst, 139 (2014), 74-78.


, M. Bloomfield, D. Andrews, P. Loeffen, C. Tombling, T. York, P. Matousek Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 76 (2013) 65-59.

, P. Matousek, N. Stone, Journal of Biophotonics, 6 (2013), 7-19.


, J.C. Burley, A. Alkhalil, M. Bloomfield, P. Matousek, Analyst, 137 (2012), 3052-3057.

, C.M. McGoverin, M.D. Hargreaves, P. Matousek, K.C. Gordon, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 43 (2012), 280-285.


, P. Loeffen, G. Maskall, S. Bonthron, M. Bloomfield, C. Tombling, P. Matousek, “Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VII; Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VIII; and Quantum-Physics-based Information Security”, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8189 (2011) 81890C-1 - 81890C-10, Editors: Lewis, Burgess, Zamboni, Kajzar, Szep, Gruneisen, Dusek, Rarity.

, P. Matousek, N. Everall, D. Littlejohn, A. Nordon, M. Bloomfield, Applied Spectroscopy 65 (2011) 724-733.

, Paul W. Loeffen, Guy Maskall, Stuart Bonthron, Matthew Bloomfield, and Craig Tombling. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XII. Proc. SPIE 8018, 80181E (2011)

. SPIE Security & Defence Europe, Prague, 2011. Paul W. Loeffen, Guy Maskall, Stuart Bonthron, Matthew Bloomfield, Craig Tombling, Pavel Matousek.

P. Matousek, F. Thorley, P. Chen, M. Hargreaves, C. Tombling, P. Loeffen, M. Bloomfield, D. Andrews, , Spectroscopy 26 (2011) 44-51.

, N. Stone, M. Kerssens, G.R. Lloyd, K. Faulds, D. Graham, P. Matousek, Chemical Science, 2 (2011), 776-780.

, K. Buckley, P. Matousek, Analyst, 136 (2011), 3039-3050.

, K. Buckley, P. Matousek, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 55 (2011), 645-652.

M.D. Hargreaves, N.A. Macleod, M.R. Smith, D. Andrews, S.V. Hammond, P. Matousek, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 54 (2011), 463-468.


M.M. Kerssens, P. Matousek, K. Rogers, N. Stone, Analyst, 135 (2010), 3156-3161.

, A. Aina, M.D. Hargreaves, P. Matousek, J.C. Burley, Analyst, 135 (2010), 2328.

M.A. Elbagerma, H.G.M. Edwards, T.Munshi, M.D. Hargreaves, P. Matousek, I.J. Scowen, , Crystal Growth & Design, 10 (2010), 2360.

N. Stone, K. Faulds, D. Graham, P. Matousek, , Anal. Chem., 82 (2010), 3969.

M. Bloomfield, P.W. Loeffen, P. Matousek, “Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting VI and Optical Materials in Defence Systems Technology VII”, Proceedings of SPIE 7838: 783808-1 (2010) Editors: C. Lewis, D. Burgess, R. Zamboni, F. Kajzar, E.M. Heckman. P. Matousek, , Editors: P.M. Champion, L.D. Ziegler, XXII International Conference on Raman Spectrscopy, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume: 1267, Pages: 16-17, 2010.

N. Everall, P. Matousek, N. Macleod, K.L. Ronayne, I.P. Clark, , Applied Spectroscopy, 64 (2010), 52.

M.D. Hargreaves, P. Matousek, , “Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism and Crime Fighting V”, Proceedings of SPIE 7486(1): 74860B - 74860B-7 (2009) Editor: Colin Lewis.

M.D. Hargreaves, N.A. Macleod, V.L. Brewster, T. Munshi, H.G.M. Edwards, P. Matousek ‘’, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 40 (2009), 1875.

P. Matousek, N. Stone, ‘’, Analyst, 134 (2009), 1058.


N.A. Macleod, P. Matousek, ‘’, Applied Spectroscopy 62 (2008) 276A.

N.A. Macleod, A. Goodship, A.W. Parker, P. Matousek, ‘’, Analytical Chemistry, 80 (2008), 8146.

N.A. Macleod, P. Matousek, ‘’, Pharmaceutical Research, 25 (2008), 2205.

C. Eliasson, N.A. Macleod, P. Matousek, ‘’, Vibrational Spectroscopy, 48 (2008), 8.

K. Buckley, A. Goodship, N.A. Macleod, A.W. Parker, P. Matousek, ‘’, Anal. Chem., 80 (2008), 6006.

C. Eliasson, P. Matousek, ‘’,Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 39 (2008), 633.

C. Eliasson, N.A. Macleod, P. Matousek, ‘’, Analytica Chimica Acta, 607 (2008), 50.

N. Stone, P. Matousek, , Cancer Research, 68 (2008), 4424.

C. Eliasson, N.A. Macleod, L.C. Jayes, F.C. Clarke, S.V. Hammond, M.R. Smith, P. Matousek, , Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 47 (2008), 221.


P. Matousek, '',Chemical Society Reviews, 36 (2007), 1292.

N. Stone, R. Baker, K. Rogers, A.W. Parker, P. Matousek, ‘’, Analyst, 132 (2007), 899.

C. Eliasson, M. Claybourn, P. Matousek, '', Applied Spectroscopy, 61 (2007), 1123.

P. Matousek, ', Applied Spectroscopy, 61 (2007) 845.

C. Eliasson, N.A. Macleod, P. Matousek, '', Analytical Chemistry, 79 (2007), 8185.

C. Eliasson, P. Matousek, ‘’, Analytical Chemistry, 79 (2007), 1696.

P. Matousek, N. Stone, ‘’, Journal of Biomedical Optics, 12 (2007), 024008.

P. Matousek, A.W. Parker, ‘’, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 38 (2007), 563.

R. Baker, P. Matousek, K.L. Ronayne, A.W. Parker, K. Rogers, N. Stone, , The Analyst, 132 (2007), 48.


P. Matousek, A.W. Parker, ‘’, Applied Spectroscopy, 60 (2006), 1353.

P. Matousek, ’, Applied Spectroscopy, 60 (2006), 1341.

P. Matousek, E.R.C. Draper, A.E. Goodship, I.P. Clark, K.L. Ronayne, A.W. Parker, ‘’, Applied Spectroscopy, 60 (2006), 758.


P. Matousek, M.D. Morris, N. Everall, I.P. Clark, M. Towrie, E. Draper, A. Goodship, A. W. Parker, ‘’, Applied Spectroscopy, 59 (2005), 1485.

P. Matousek, I.P. Clark, E.R.C. Draper, M.D. Morris, A.E. Goodship, N. Everall, M. Towrie, W.F. Finney, A.W. Parker, ‘’, Applied Spectroscopy, 59 (2005), 393.

E.R.C. Draper, M.D. Morris, N.P. Camacho, P. Matousek, M. Towrie, A.W. Parker, A.E. Goodship, ‘’, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 20 (2005), 1968.

P. Matousek, N. Everall, M. Towrie and A. W. Parker, ‘’, Applied Spectroscopy, 59 (2005), 200.


P. Matousek and M.D. Morris, Eds., , Springer, Heidelberg, 2010.

Book Chapters


, K. Buckley, P. Matousek, in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science, H.G.M. Edwards, M.D. Hargreaves, J.M. Chalmers, Eds., (Wiley, Chichester, 2012), Chap. 5.4, pp. 289-294.

, K. Buckley, P. Matousek, in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy in Forensic Science, H.G.M. Edwards, M.D. Hargreaves, J.M. Chalmers, Eds., (Wiley, Chichester, 2012), Chap. 6.2, pp. 351-356.


N.A. Macleod, M.D. Morris, P. Matousek, “”, in Raman Applications and Techniques in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Fields, P. Matousek and M.D. Morris, Eds. (Springer, Heidelberg, 2010), Chap. 3.


P. Matousek, “”, in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopic Imaging, R. Salzer and H.W. Siesler, Eds. (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2009), Chap. 12, p. 405.

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