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Magnis SureSelect XT HS Reagents

Magnis SureSelect XT HS Reagents


The Magnis NGS prep system works seamlessly with Agilent’s industry-leading SureSelect target enrichment system and delivers sequencing data?that are?robust,?traceable,?and reproducible.?
Agilent SureSelect XT HS reagent kits are high-sensitivity DNA library prep kits with hybrid-capture-based target enrichment. They include reagents for library preparation, hybridization, and capture. These reagents come pre-aliquoted; and pre-set protocols are included to work with the Magnis system.

The SureSelect XT HS Reagent Kits incorporate molecular barcodes to detect variants allele frequency down to 1% or less. They are optimized for FFPE samples with as little as 10 ng of input DNA and offer an 8-hour workflow. Samples are indexed prior to capture, eliminating the concern of cross contamination.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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