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Protein Expression Antibodies & Antibiotics

Antibodies & Antibiotics for Protein Expression

Agilent offers a selection of antibiotics and antibodies to use with our Protein Expression systems and kits. These include our Anti-FLAG antibodies for the detection of FLAG-tagged proteins and peptides, the anti-c-Myc monoclonal antibody for the detection of c-Myc and c-Myc-tagged proteins, and the Vitality hrGFP monoclonal antibody for the detection of wild type humanized Renilla Green Fluorescent Protein as well as N- and C-terminal fusions to this protein. Our antibiotics products feature Hygromycin B and G418 Sulfate. Hygromycin B is an antibiotic that kills bacteria, fungi and higher eukaryotic cells by inhibiting protein synthesis and selects for eukaryotic cells stably transfected with hygromycin-b resistant genes. G418 blocks polypeptide synthesis by inhibiting the elongation step in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and selects for neomycin-resistant genes.

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