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NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer Systems 3-5 Lasers

NovoCyte Opteon Spectral Flow Cytometer Systems 3-5 Lasers

The NovoCyte Opteon spectral flow cytometer is a new, cutting-edge spectral flow cytometry solution designed to revolutionize your cell analysis research.

The NovoCyte Opteon boasts up to 5 lasers and 73 detectors, a proprietary optics design, and advanced electronics, enabling it to deliver data with high resolution and sensitivity. The wide dynamic range for both fluorescence detection and particle size measurement helps streamline experimental workflows. On-board temperature control, electronics, and fluidics sensor circuitry provide real-time instrument status monitoring and ensure consistent, reliable data acquisition in different ambient environments.

Additionally, the intuitive and industry-leading NovoExpress software has been further advanced, providing an exceptional data acquisition, analysis, and reporting user experience.

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