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Traditional approaches to managing instrument data can be frustrating and using a combination of generic solutions such as SharePoint, Google Drive, and Dropbox are insufficient for the needs of analytical labs. They weren’t built for lab processes; they don’t understand lab data; and they include many manual, error-prone steps. OpenLab ECM XT provides a more effective, efficient, and secure way to capture and organize your instrument data, files, and reports – and it’s all done behind the scenes. Lab staff does not have to change the way they work or the way they interact with their software.

Benefits of OpenLab ECM XT

Seamless integration with Agilent analytical
data systems
Data is instantly and continuously captured and secured, providing full traceability and the highest levels of data integrity.

Automates your data collection process Improves productivity by automating data capture, processes, and other repetitive tasks.

Find and retrieve information faster All data and metadata are automatically stored, organized, and searchable so you can respond to investigations and inspections quickly.

Achieve consistent data management practices Ensures all important data are captured, organized, and archived consistently and at the appropriate time to meet regulatory or institutional requirements.

Automated capture of your instrument data

OpenLab ECM XT provides a common storage for all your instrument data. There are two different methods for capturing your instrument data. The choice of method depends on whether there is a direct or indirect connection to OpenLab ECM XT. By design, most Agilent data systems have a direct connection to OpenLab ECM XT and provides the most seamless experience. To automatically capture instrument data generated by other file-based data systems, this can be done using the file import utility Import Scheduler for OpenLab ECM XT.

Capturing Agilent instrument data

OpenLab ECM XT is designed to automatically capture data generated by most Agilent data systems. This data is instantly and continuously captured and secured providing full traceability and the highest levels of data integrity. Staff members using these data systems can open, edit, and reprocess the data as if the files were stored on the local drive. Changes to the data files are tracked and versioned with a secure, traceable history where every revision can be recovered and reviewed by authorized persons from anywhere using a Web browser. Systems with a direct connection to OpenLab ECM XT include:

Capturing multivendor instrument data

If your lab operations require the use of instruments and/or data systems from multiple vendors, Import Scheduler for OpenLab ECM XT is a great solution for capturing your multivendor data. Import Scheduler is a file import utility for OpenLab ECM XT you can configure to automatically execute tasks at specified times. It monitors folders on the network and uploads files based on predefined criteria like file attributes and/or date range. The import utility tool makes it possible for you to manage only one data storage for all your instrument data.

Learn more about Import Scheduler for OpenLab ECM XT

Effective reports management

Do you spend a lot of time searching for misfiled reports? OpenLab ECM XT helps keep lab reports organized and readily available for staff, regulators, and auditors. Using Import Services for OpenLab ECM XT, you can ensure reports are filed automatically at the time of creation and in your designated location. When used in conjunction with PDF data extraction, you can get better search results by searching for specific terms like sample name, test name, instrument used, etc. Streamline your report filing processes so you can always find the information you need, when you need it.

Learn more about Import Services for OpenLab ECM XT

Reliable data archive and disposition

Another great benefit to using OpenLab ECM XT is that it can also facilitate the transition from active data to archived data. This eliminates the need to manage a separate data storage. OpenLab ECM XT has built-in tools to automatically archive your data on-premises or in the cloud and can be easily brought back to the originating data system for reanalysis or reprocessing. This is a great option if you have data that is no longer active but must keep for long-term regulatory or compliance reasons, or if you simply need to free up active storage space. The ability to disposition data and files that have reached their end of life or are no longer needed can also be done in OpenLab ECM XT. This process not only ensures traceable disposal of data, but also helps the lab achieve consistent data management policies and meet regulatory requirements.

Ready to talk?

OpenLab ECM XT ensures successful capture and organization of all your lab data and files and is the perfect data archival solution for your historical data. Contact us today for a personalized consultation.

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Demonstrate reliable
backup and restore

The best way to protect your lab and recover lost data is to have a reliable backup system. OpenLab ECM XT provides backup verification reports as evidence supporting your data backup and restore activities.

Protect your data

Safely store your data in the cloud

Leverage cloud technology to scale quickly, save storage cost and space, and consolidate resources. We’ve got flexible, scalable cloud-based data storage options for labs of all sizes.

Explore cloud storage

Improve your lab operations

The OpenLab Software Suite provides the full range of advanced capabilities you need to dramatically improve turnaround times and work quality in each phase of the analytical workflow.

Streamline operations

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