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Real Stories from the Lab:
Increasing Productivity and Performance

At Agilent, we know that every interaction is a chance to get to know you better, and to drive better outcomes for your lab. That’s why “from insight to outcome” isn’t just our motto, it’s our mission. The stories below are all real, and so is our commitment to your success.
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CrossLab is an Agilent capability that integrates services, consumables and lab-wide resource management to help laboratories improve efficiency, optimize operations, increase instrument uptime, develop user skill and more.

Every CrossLab service visit delivers insight that can help improve instrument
performance and lab productivity


Clearing the Air

Environment can impact productivity.

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Investigative Reporting

Extended expertise helps boost a lab's efficiency.

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It’s In the Details

Consumables tip improves productivity at a pharma lab.

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Agilent CrossLab performs with rigor that delivers your best outcome


Leveraging Lab Advisor and Checklists

Consistency and rigor are part of the process.

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Bio Bright Spot

A team effort helps a new lab improve operations.

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Expert Coordination

Extra effort helps create efficiency around a big compliance effort.

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CrossLab service tips can reduce risk and save money


Creative Collaboration

Compliance risk is reduced due to service tip.

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No Hot Air Here

Service tip has big impact.

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Flexible Thinking

A service tip saves space and money for a big lab.

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