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High-Throughput Fluorescence-Based mAb Aggregation Analysis Solution
The Fluorescence-Based Aggregation Analysis Workflow Guide

High-Throughput Fluorescence-Based mAb Aggregation Analysis Solution

The Fluorescence Workflow solution for rapid mAb aggregation analysis is a documented method that has been optimized by experts in the field to screen high sample loads common in clone selection and formulation optimization experiments. The workflow manual has been designed for the Cary Eclipse Fluorescence instrument fitted with the Microplate Reader Accessory and is perfectly suited to complement existing HPLC-SEC workflows. The method includes the step-by-step instructions to implement the complete workflow.

With superior speed and sensitivity, this workflow can reduce overall analysis time by up to 75% when used in conjunction with existing HPLC-SEC methods, allowing significant improvements in both cost and throughput.

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