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5977C GC/MSD
5977C Inert Plus GC/MSD

5977C GC/MSD

The Agilent 5977C GC/MSD is a routine and reliable workhorse for environmental impurities and food testing, chemical and petrochemical analysis, as well as the analysis of forensic and pharmaceutical compounds. With over 50 years of leadership in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, the 5977C single quadrupole GC/MS is built on the legacy of a series of trusted GC/MS instruments.

At Agilent we continuously strive for innovation. The new HydroInert source for hydrogen carrier applications not only minimizes disruptions from helium shortages but also improves spectral fidelity, peak shape, and sensitivity when running with hydrogen. System intelligence, like remote monitoring and email-based instrument health alerts, make system monitoring easier and more actionable. Together, these new capabilities on the 5977C GC/MSD improve sample throughput and analytical performance, enabling better business outcomes for your lab.

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