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Reimagine the way you work

As your business grows and lab activities increase, you may be wondering how to squeeze more work out of your current systems. Sometimes it simply makes sense to make a switch. Sometimes there are greater opportunities and lower costs and risks in making the move to something that’s truly transformative. It’s time to take a closer look at OpenLab CDS. By transitioning to OpenLab CDS, you can manage your growing workloads now, improve productivity and security, and keep pace with increasing requirements in the future. And you can make your move quickly and with minimal disruption. Here are the top reasons you should switch to OpenLab CDS:
  • Improves the speed and accuracy of analysis
  • Strengthens data integrity from acquisition through analysis
  • Built and tested to maximize data security
  • Provides easiest method to transfer your data files

More reasons to switch to OpenLab CDS

If your lab uses OpenLab ChemStation or EZChrom today, OpenLab CDS is naturally the next step. It builds on the features you already know, with significant advances that improves the way you work, and makes it easier to get things done. Just as important is the unmatched security that keeps your lab data safe and secure from cyberattacks. Now let’s take a closer look at the advantages of OpenLab CDS.

Efficient and flexible
data acquisition

User-friendly capabilities ensure you can submit runs quickly, including many options for saving multi-sample runs to support your workflow needs.

Get the best peak results
the first time

The Integration Optimizer guides you to the best settings for your analysis and enables easy deployment of these settings to the lab to operationalize faster more consistent results.

Perform calculations
directly in the software

Automatically compute unique values directly within the software, removing error-prone calculation steps and allowing you to meet compliance requirements faster and with less effort.

Visualize large sample sets

Speed data review with unique, easy-to-read graphical presentations of many chromatograms. Quickly identify samples of interest, outliers, or instrument problems faster.

Review audit trails
with ease

Highlight data changes to facilitate the review process, enable review by exception, and create efficient search routines to identify data trends and inconsistencies.

Remote access and data
sharing made easy

Organize and centrally store data with a networked configuration for rapid access, processing, and reporting. Access instruments and data from anywhere, avoiding wait times for dedicated systems.

Maintain business
continuity and save

Quickly and easily automate the export and import of your data files to eliminate method redevelopment costs and minimize validation time & costs.

Get the same results
without optimizing

If you are using EZChrom or ChemStation, you can continue to use the same integration algorithm with OpenLab CDS, simplifying the conversion.

5 signs it’s time to upgrade

  1. Out-of-date or unsupported software or operating system – no access to software or security updates; not supported on OS (ex: Windows 10)
  2. Required manual intervention impacts your productivity, not enough automation
  3. Missing security best practices or data integrity technical controls in existing systems
  4. Unable to do calculations directly in the data system and you need to export to Excel, impacting data integrity
  5. Multiple data systems are needed to support the techniques utilized in the lab

We make the switch easier

Migrating your data doesn’t have to be a scary process. We know you have lots of methods and data files and you don’t want to lose any of your work during the switch. Luckily, moving to OpenLab CDS from OpenLab ChemStation or OpenLab EZChrom provides the easiest migration path so you can move your precious information forward.

Switching from OpenLab ChemStation?
Learn more

Switching from OpenLab EZChrom?
Learn more

See OpenLab CDS in action

See how to complete specific tasks in OpenLab CDS more efficiently

See more tutorials

Ready to make the switch?

Key questions and considerations before making the switch

What is the migration path? Do I need to migrate everything all at once?
Do I need to migrate everything all at once? As long as you are not changing your infrastructure (keeping your server OS and database version) you can install over your existing system. For client server configurations, first upgrade servers. The AICs and clients can continue to run as you go lab by lab upgrading to the current version. It doesn’t have to happen overnight. Next, it is important to understand which data is critical to move to new system (not everything is needed). Do you need to migrate your historical data files, or do you just need them to be accessible?
How much downtime can I expect for the migration?
Workstation configurations of the software will usually only require one day of downtime, but if you have a client-server implementation of the software, then the planning and implementation of an upgrade can be much more involved. Contact your Agilent sales representative to discuss the planning and execution of your migration.
When it comes to switching software, what things should my lab consider?

Beyond operating system (OS) and software compatibility, PC hardware compatibility, and instrument compatibility, allow time for instrument or lab downtime during the upgrade process. Cost is another thing to consider. You may need to upgrade your PC hardware, instruments, and/or network infrastructure, so planning for these costs is important. For more information on this topic, listen to How to Plan for and Execute the Migration, Part 2.

How can Agilent help with the switch?

The most important thing Agilent can do to help you is plan—planning around the migration, around which software you’re going to move to, the hardware requirements, the software requirements—some of these transitions can be expensive depending on the size of the lab, and it is critical that we assist with planning and making sure that we, as well as you, have the proper resources. Planning and ensuring you have the proper resources are the most important things you can do/have to ensure a successful and timely migration, installation, and training. Agilent also offers free webinars and web-based trainings that can walk you through the basics of the software. For more information on this topic, listen to How to Plan for and Execute the Migration, Part 3.

See what our customers are saying:

Case studies:

APC case study

Get to know OpenLab CDS with these additional resources

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