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Sample Scheduler for OpenLab

Sample Scheduler for OpenLab

Sample Scheduler for OpenLab is add-on software that enhances the functionality of OpenLab CDS. Sample Scheduler improves your lab’s output by providing staff with a simple interface to manage their workload and send samples for analysis to any instrument. Lab managers will appreciate the full lab overview from a desktop or mobile device. Analysts and Operators will enjoy quickly setting up their runs from a single simple interface and the complete view of their daily workload.

All client-server installations of OpenLab CDS (v2.6 and higher) can access the Sample Scheduler Instrument Dashboard for an overview of the instrument status of all OpenLab CDS-connected instruments.

Implementation is as easy as activating the software. Achieve immediate operational improvement by simply applying a license with no implementation project. Optionally, integrate with your LIMS system to further improve throughput and ensure proper results attribution.

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