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Cloud Storage with OpenLab Data Management - Security Uncompromised

Store your files in the cloud with confidence with OpenLab Server & ECM XT
A growing list of cloud benefits
Labs of all sizes are embracing the cloud model for data storage. By transferring lab data to cloud services such as Amazon S3 storage, you can:
Agilent OpenLab

Optimize costs
by only paying for what you need

Scale quickly and easily
without needing to add or upgrade servers

Reduce maintenance requirements
since most maintenance is handled by the
cloud provider

Simplify disaster recovery
so you can focus
on other tasks

Data storage on Amazon S3: Simple, secure, cost-efficient
Security uncompromised
Stringent security features in OpenLab Server and OpenLab ECM XT complement the native security of Amazon S3. For example:
  • The direct connector to Amazon S3 utilizes secure communication protocols to protect and preserve file integrity
    during transfer from OpenLab Server and ECM XT files to Amazon S3 and vice versa.
  • You can configure AWS to encrypt files prior to their transfer. Only authorized users can access files stored on
    Amazon S3.
  • All changes to files stored in both Agilent products are fully tracked. 
  • Both Agilent products and Amazon S3 ensure data privacy by providing mechanisms to control and monitor access
    and prevent unauthorized login attempts to cloud storage.
Take advantage without taking major risks
In short, Agilent is making it easier for labs to achieve the benefits of cloud storage—without compromising on security. Our OpenLab Server and OpenLab ECM XT build on the native security of cloud services such as Amazon S3, so you can make your move with confidence. Now let's take a look at how we address the top cloud storage questions and concerns.

Latency How does Agilent address latency concerns, especially with active data?

Disaster recovery What happens when the connection goes down? Is the data cached?

Network Bandwidth: What is the minimal network bandwidth recommended for optimal performance?

Ready to start your move to cloud storage?
For existing OpenLab Server and ECM XT customers, making the move is easy if you already have an active Amazon S3 account. Simply download from — there is no additional payment to Agilent! Don’t have an Amazon S3 account? Visit the to get the details or to request more information.
Learn more
OpenLab Server and ECM XT offer secure centralized management of your instruments’ raw data, PDF reports, and all other electronic records. Learn more about our product offerings with these resources:

Agilent OpenLab Data Management Solutions Brochure

Agilent OpenLab ECM XT web page

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