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Automate data collection for your multi-vendor lab with Import Scheduler for OpenLab ECM XT

Scheduled data capture
Automate data collection for your multi-vendor lab
Agilent OpenLab
Import Scheduler is a file import utility for OpenLab ECM XT that helps streamline collection of multi-vendor data. The utility helps free up drive space from your PC by importing files from any network location into OpenLab ECM XT. You can create automated tasks, upload files to specified folders, and ensure all files are archived.
With Import Scheduler, you can configure tasks to be executed automatically at specified times. You define which folders are monitored, when they are uploaded, and where the files are placed. Scheduled data capture ensures files are archived at the appropriate time and can help free up staff's time spent on data archival. It is also a great solution for other file-based data systems for which such an integrated file management process is not available.
Data flow and security features of Import Scheduler
The diagram below outlines the flow of files from the source (PC or network folder) to the OpenLab ECM XT secure repository. Tasks are created within the utility to securely import files from folders located within the network. During file upload it verifies the integrity of transferred files and records the transfer in comprehensive logs. Details about the security and copy verification process are presented below. Import Scheduler is a great tool to archive files and preserve the history of data from any software source. It can be used to preserve versions of data from software that stores information in file and folder structures (file-based data systems). The utility can be set to monitor the source on any schedule. It will preserve the data structure, and enable recovery of the data at exactly the state it was at the time it was archived into OpenLab ECM XT.
Import Scheduler workflow
Figure 1: Import Scheduler Data Flow Diagram
  • Data Security for Source Machine – it is customer’s organization responsibility to secure the source machine.
  • Import Scheduler Machine – Files are transferred from the source location to the upload queue on the Import Scheduler machine over the network using a Windows copy file protocol.
    Data Security – The upload queue on the Import Scheduler machine is a secure work area provided by OpenLab ECM XT. Only the Microsoft System Account (NT Authority\System) can access files in the upload queue.
    File integrity – The upload queue tracks file identity/uniqueness using metadata like creation date, file path etc. It also records successful uploads and will not attempt to upload a file multiple times. Updated versions of a file are treated as unique and will be tracked as versions of the same file in the repository described in item D below.
  • Upload from Import Scheduler Machine to OpenLab ECM XT – Files are uploaded from the upload queue (secure work area) to ECM XT using the ECM XT API.
    Data Security – Data transfer from the upload queue (secure work area) on the Import Scheduler machine to ECM XT takes place using the ECM XT API. By default, this transfer is not encrypted but you can encrypt this transfer by configuring HTTP (over secure TLS).
  • OpenLab ECM XT – This is the repository where all files captured by the Import Scheduler will be stored. Files will be transferred and stored in the ECM XT content structure defined in the Import Scheduler task.
    Data Security – ECM XT provides a secure repository for storing and retrieving files. A windows user cannot navigate to, search for, or otherwise identify files stored in the secure repository. Files can only be accessed my authorized users through the ECM XT web interface.
    File integrity – Import Scheduler confirms that a file uploaded to the secure repository is the same as the file in the source location using an algorithm that tests for integrity against the source file.

Note: The task can be configured to leave the original file in the source location, delete files after a specified time or delete files immediately after successful upload.

Collect and secure Agilent instrument data
Systems directly connected to OpenLab ECM XT including Agilent OpenLab CDS, OpenLab ChemStation, and ICP-MS MassHunter systems do not require the import scheduler tool. Direct connections immediately send data to OpenLab ECM XT where they can also be accessed for further processing. Changes to the data files uploaded via direct connection are tracked and versioned with a secure, traceable history where every revision can be recovered and reviewed by authorized persons from anywhere using a web browser. A direct connection to OpenLab ECM XT, as with OpenLab CDS, OpenLab ChemStation and other Agilent data systems, provides the highest level of data integrity because the original data file is immediately secured. Any editing with the CDS is done within secure repository. Import Scheduler is a great solution for other file based data systems for which such an integrated file management process is not available.
Additional data collection methods

OpenLab ECM XT provides multiple ways to collect your data – saving time finding, sharing, and securing your information. Contact us to learn about your options.

Learn more

To learn more about OpenLab ECM XT, visit the OpenLab ECM XT product page.

To learn the benefits of our data management offerings, read the Data Management Solutions brochure.

To learn more about data capture for your lab, visit our Automated Data Collection page.

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