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Agilent at ASMS 2024

Intelligence that drives performance

We hope you have enjoyed the 2024 ASMS Conference

Stay at the forefront of mass spectrometry innovation together with Agilent! Get deeper information from each sample, improve productivity with system intelligence, and deliver answers every day.

Be inspired by an intelligent lab

If you missed us at our inaugural LC/TQ user meeting, watch the presentations on demand! You’ll learn about these topics:
Session Topic Speaker
Talk 1 Instrument intelligence across the board: Agilent’s next generation LC/TQ portfolio Ian Edwards, Agilent
Talk 2 Quantifying the unquantifiable with mass spectrometry Carlito Lebrilla, UC Davis
Talk 3 Oxylipin analysis by 6495 LC/TQ Judi Simcox, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Talk 4 An efficient and fully automated end-to-end sample preparation strategy using the AssayMAP Bravo for Evosep-MRM Dorte Bekker-Jensen, Evosep Biosystems
Talk 5 Targeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based laboratory developed tests (LDTs) for Alzheimer's disease protein biomarkers research Caroline Watson, Emory University
Talk 6 Mass spectrometry imaging of lipid isobars and isomers with unit mass resolution Sara Amer, Purdue University

Superior measurement with IM/Q-TOF

If you could not make it to the IM/Q-TOF event, watch the presentations on demand! Here are the topics discussed:
Session Topic Speaker
Talk 1 Intro to Agilent Ion Mobility Christian Klein, Agilent
Talk 2 Tracing the biological fate of PFASs in living organisms and in-vitro systems using high-resolution mass spectrometry and ion mobility Carrie McDonough, Carnegie Mellon University
Talk 3 Oligonucleotide sequencing using ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry with a Bioconfirm based workflow Jack Ryan, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Talk 4 Untangling the compositional complexity of oligonucleotide therapeutics for advancing drug development Jace W. Jones, University of Maryland
Talk 5 Intact protein quantitation – using iFAMS Quant+: Gabor-transform software for automated biomolecular mass spectrometry signal deconvolution and quantitation Jim Prell, University of Oregon
Talk 6 Oh, the databases you’ll build Guozhi Zhang, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Talk 7 Automated 96-well desalting and collision induced unfolding analysis of biotherapeutics Michael Armbruster, University of Michigan
Talk 8 Real-time automation of high-speed microdroplet reactions to enhance throughput in characterizing therapeutic proteins Krishna Anapindi, Gilead Sciences
Talk 9 Digital quadrupole isolation and electron capture dissociation provide structure information on native protein complexes Carter Lantz, Texas A&M University
Talk 10 Implementation of native RapidFire ion mobility mass spectrometry (nRF-IM-MS) for the assessment of the higher order structure (HOS) stability of biotherapeutics Mack Shih, FDA
Talk 11 Advancing antibody epitope mapping and isoaspartic acid detection: Insights from HDx and electron-based fragmentation techniques Blaine Roberts, Emory University

Learn from mass spectrometry experts

If you missed our breakfast sessions at ASMS, watch the presentations on demand! Innovators speak about how the latest breakthroughs in system intelligence, capability, and performance are driving continual improvements across a range of applications. You’ll learn about these topics:
Session Speaker Topic
Monday June 3
Session 1 - Environmental
Room 213D
Joel Ferrer, Agilent Beyond all limits: GC/MS innovations for high performance with maximum uptime
Agustin Pierri – Weck Laboratories From peaks to insights: Navigating environmental analysis with Weck Laboratories using GC/MS/MS instrumentation
Monday June 3
Session 2 - Omics
Room 212AB
Ian Edwards, Agilent Intelligence driven results: 6495D ultimate performance with precision without compromising robustness
Gary Patti, Washington University in St. Louis Molecular profiling at the population scale
Tuesday June 4
Session 1 - Biopharma
Room 212AB
Joseph Meeuwsen, Agilent Upgrade your protein characterization game with Agilent ExD
Cat Vesely, Oregon State University Decoding cell fate: Unveiling the phosphorylation switch in apoptosis through synergistic genetic code expansion and mass spectrometry technologies
Tuesday June 4
Session 2 - PFAS
Room 213D
Jeremy Koelmel, Yale FluoroMatch suite: New software advances for non-targeted analysis of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in LC-HRMS and ion mobility
Ben Owen, Northwestern University Investigating environmental risk factors for breast cancer using per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
Wednesday June 5
Session 1 - Omics
Room 213D
Linfeng Wu, Agilent Combining LC/TQ intelligence and performance for maximum efficiency in protein biomarker quantitation
Christoph Borchers, MRM Proteomics A novel strategy utilizing SIL mouse reference material from different tissues and body fluids enabling absolute quantitation of proteins in human tissues
Wednesday June 5
Session 2 – Food/Environmental
Room 212AB
Christian Klein, Agilent Rock solid evidence and revolutionized identification: The Revident LC/Q-TOF
Bill Holmes, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Tackling PFOA contamination: Innovations in AOP-based removal strategies and evolving analytical techniques

Check out our recent technology innovations:

Enhance the information depth of your protein analysis

The new Agilent ExD cell adds electron capture dissociation (ECD) to the Agilent 6545XT AdvanceBio LC/Q-TOF system. Its unique new hardware design increases ECD fragmentation efficiency, opening new paths for protein and peptide analysis. Matched with Agilent ExDViewer software, this allows you to reliably interpret top-down and targeted bottom-up characterization data, providing added intelligence on your protein’s structure. Look closer

High-performance GC/TQ goes beyond all limits

Meet the new Agilent 7010D GC/TQ system, designed with you in mind. The novel HES 2.0 ion source delivers attogram-level sensitivity and industry-leading robustness, ensuring exceptional instrument uptime which directly contributes to a rapid return on investment. Powered by the new Agilent MassHunter Acquisition 13.0 and built-in intelligence capabilities, the 7010D can streamline your laboratory workflows and ensure you meet evolving regulatory demands. Explore the new GC/TQ

Can’t make it to ASMS 2024?

No worries. You can still learn about Agilent innovations and new mass spectrometry products by playing this video featuring our hospitality suite.

Look Beyond the Everyday to Realize Your Best Outcomes

Utilize intelligent Agilent solutions and resources to achieve superior scientific results.
Innovation that drives breakthroughs in LC/MS
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