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GC Innovations for the economical industrious laboratory

Agilent’s innovations in GC provide the reliability your lab needs, while adding functionality and performance for improved economic, operational, and scientific outcomes.
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Time is money. For many GC labs, a lot of time is wasted keeping instruments running, ensuring data accuracy, and safe guarding against loss of precious samples. At Agilent, we appreciate the value of time and have designed products that enable you to focus your efforts more productively.

No more wasted time or money

What if you could maintain a NIST certified flow meter without ever having to ship it back?

Replace the factory precalibrated cartridge yourself and use the time and money you spend annually on paperwork, shipping, repair costs, and backup solutions towards something more productive.

Discover the Agilent ADM Flow Meter

Maintaining a NIST-certified flow meter is easier and more convenient than ever – increase your GC uptime while saving money and time.

GC innovation with purpose

What if you could run more samples on your GC reliably and accurately?

By minimizing activity along the entire flowpath Agilent Inert Flowpath solutions improve GC performance allowing you to run more samples without unplanned maintenance.

Avoid losing your sample at the inlet during GC injection

Agilent Ultra Inert Inlet Liners prevent adsorption and ensure accurate sample transfer onto the GC column through a robust deactivated surface.

Explore Agilent Inert Flowpath solutions

Find out how to ensure a reliably inert GC flowpath for higher sensitivity, accuracy, and reproducibility… especially at trace levels.

Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to change the oil in your vacuum pump?

Agilent’s IDP-3 dry scroll pump eliminates the need for pump oil, so you could use the money you would normally spend on pump oil change and disposal more productively.

Discover the Agilent IDP-3 dry vacuum pump

Finally, an affordable oil-free vacuum pump that eliminates the many issues surrounding oil pump maintenance.

Want a closer look at the technology behind the pump?

Take a look at the technology behind IDP-3 dry pump that allows you to leave behind the hassle and expense of oil-sealed pumps and how it compares to traditional pumps.

Get the most from your GC instrument with Agilent education

Agilent educational tools aim to provide substantial gains in laboratory productivity by giving you insights into the latest technologies, and the best practices to maximize efficiency and improve your results.

Optimizing your GC system

Learn how the ADM Flow Meter can help determine whether you're using the optimal combination of GC parts and supplies and how to easily transfer methods to Agilent high-efficiency columns for reduced analysis time.

Watch the webinar

The ADM Flow Meter as a Troubleshooting Tool

Watch how to use the ADM Flow Meter and install the calibrated cartridge in your lab.

Watch now

Increase your GC system uptime

Find out how to use the Agilent ADM Flow Meter to verify the proper function of your GC and detectors or to troubleshoot a problem.

Download whitepaper

Transition to the latest technology quickly, easily, and cost effectively

Agilent CrossLab Migration Services make it fast, easy, and cost effective to upgrade to the latest software and instruments, so, your lab can benefit from productivity-boosting innovations—with minimal workflow disruption.

Find out more

Talk to an Agilent representative to find out more about Agilent’s innovative GC solutions and how to use them to optimize your laboratory productivity.

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