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Magnis Next-generation Clinical lab

Complete system for NGS preparation

Your lab's automated library preparation solution for NGS

Confidence with the press of a button

Complete system for NGS preparation

Your lab's automated library preparation solution for NGS

New Magnis SureSelect XTHS Reagents - optimized for FFPE samples

Next-generation clinical lab

As personalized medicine becomes the goal for cancer treatment, laboratories are beginning to implement Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) as it allows clinicians to profile samples for various generic aberrations using a single, cost-effective platform. One of the challenges with implementing NGS in a molecular laboratory is the expertise required to develop, optimize, and validate assay protocols for use in diverse applications. The Agilent Magnis NGS Prep system was designed to run complex NGS library assay with minimal technical knowledge and hands-on time – all with the press of a button.

For the regulatory status of the products listed, please visit each product at

Seamless integrated NGS workflow - Bring precision medicine to your lab

Reproducible results - Improve standardization of procedures

Complete walkaway system for NGS preparation - Minimal NGS technical knowledge required

Fully automated – Improve operational efficiency

Ease of content optimization – Meet your lab's specific requirement

Agilent CrossLab Silver service plan - Maintain peak performance and minimize workflow disruption

See how Magnis can transform you lab into an Next Generation clinical Lab

New videos

Walk-away NGS automation – Now at your fingertips

With the Magnis NGS Prep System’s walkaway automation, you can reduce your hands-on time from 2.5 hours to only ~10 minutes for the full SureSelect library preparation and target enrichment workflow. Let Magnis do the work while you spend more time reviewing results and planning next steps. Watch now

See how easily you can load your samples on the Magnis NGS Prep System

See how easy and simple it is to load the Magnis. The entire process takes less than 10-15 minutes and you can automate your 9.5 hour NGS sample preparation workflow. Watch now
Upcoming Webinar

Ideal Solution for Quality Control in Your NGS Workflow

Magnis and the 4150 TapeStation are ideal instruments for reliable quality control of DNA and RNA and are an ideal solution for reliable QC of input samples and intermediate and final libraries in NGS. Learn more

New Literature

White Paper: Bridging the Efficiency and Throughput Gap with Magnis Automated NGS Library Preparation Solution

Uncover how the Magnis improves overall turnaround time and reduces hands-on time in NGS sample preparation and target enrichment compared to manual and liquid handling automation platforms. Learn More

Application Note: Three-day Turnaround Time for Routine Oncology Testing Using the MagnisDx NGS Prep System

Learn how the Glasgow Precision Oncology Laboratory (GPOL) evaluated the MagnisDx system for use in oncology testing with a specific focus on rapid turnaround time (TAT). Learn More
Upcoming Webinar

Application Note: Quality Control of Magnis SureSelect XT HS Workflow with Agilent Automated Electrophoresis Solutions

The Agilent 4150 TapeStation system performs reliable sample quality control (QC) through various steps of the SureSelect XT HS target enrichment and next generation sequencing (NGS) library preparation workflow on the Agilent Magnis NGS Prep system. Learn more

Seamless comprehensive end-to-end NGS automated workflow

Agilent offers a complete instrument and reagent solution for automating NGS sample preparation. As a result, you can achieve excellent reliability and reproducibility with easy scale-up of your laboratory throughput using reagents, automation, protocols, data analysis and interpretation software, and support from a single source.

Control the quality of your sample first

The Agilent 4150 TapeStation system offers an automated electrophoresis for (FFPE) sample QC. Analysis includes quantification and qualification with quality metrics for DNA Integrity and RNA integrity using two different metrics. Learn more

Detect all cancer-relevant variants in a single assay

The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One solution offers lung and solid tumor assay as well as a custom assay option. You can define your specific genes of interest in an AIO custom assay. Learn more

Call your variants efficiently

Agilent Alissa Clinical Informatics Platform streamlines your data analysis and variant assessment workflows-providing first-class support from raw reads to clinical grade reports. Learn more
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
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