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Detect All Cancer-Relevant Variants in a Single Assay

SureSelect Cancer All-In-One assays
Detect All Cancer-Relevant Variants in a Single Assay
SureSelect Cancer All-In-One assays enable high-sensitivity detection of somatic SNVs, indels, CNVs, and translocations in a single assay, supporting low-input DNA and FFPE samples.

The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Solution

The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Solution includes an accelerated NGS library prep and target enrichment workflow and advanced bioinformatics for data analysis and variant reporting (Figure 1). The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One solution offers lung and solid tumor assays as well as a custom assay option. You can define your specific genes of interest in an AIO custom assay.

Consolidate Detection of All Variant Types Into One Assay

The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Solution

Figure 1. The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One solution consolidates the detection of all variant types into one workflow with single DNA input and data analysis, using Agilent SureCall software or the Alissa clinical informatics platform for alignment and variant calling (coming soon). A walkaway automation option for library preparation enabled by Magnis NGS prep system, and variant assessment on the Alissa interpretation module is available.

Accurate Detection of SNVs and Indels

HD799 HD803
Gene Variant Expected VAF,% Detected VAF,% Detected VAF,%
BRAF V600E 10.5 12.9 11.4
EGFR L858R 3.0 6.7 3.4
EGFR DE746-A750 2.0 1.5 1
EGFR T790M 1.0 1.3 1.3
EGFR G719S 24.5 26 23.5
KRAS G13D 15.0 13.9 16.5
KRAS G12D 6.0 4.3 5.2
KRAS Q61K 12.5 11 12.8
PIK3CA H1047R 17.5 22.7 19.2
PIK3CA E545K 9.0 9.3 9.2

Table 1. Detection of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and short insertions and deletions (indels) of varying allele frequencies (VAF) in Horizon reference standards, HD799 and HD803, using the SureSelect Cancer All-In-One lung assay. HD799 and HD803 represent DNA quality moderately and severely compromised by formalin fixation, respectively.

Excellent Concordance with FISH for CNV and Translocation Detection in FFPE Samples

Variant Positive Agreement Negative Agreement Overall Agreement
ERBB2 Amplification 97.5% (39/40) 97.6% (40/41) 97.5% (79/81)
ALK Translocation 90.7% (39/43) 100% (54/54) 95.9% (93/97)

Table 2. Lung cancer and breast cancer FFPE samples positive and negative for ERBB2 amplification and ALK translocation characterized by FISH were analyzed using the SureSelect Cancer All-In-One lung assay. The agreement between FISH and the AIO lung assay on detecting ERBB2 amplification and ALK translocation is shown in the table.

Figure 2. Representative images of ERBB2 FISH (A) and ALK Break Apart FISH (B) from the concordance study shown in Table 2.

Figure 2. Representative images of ERBB2 FISH (A) and ALK Break Apart FISH (B) from the concordance study shown in Table 2.

SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Lung Assay

The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One lung assay surveys 20 genes clinically relevant to nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It includes all somatic variants associated with NSCLC in the guidelines of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), the College of American Pathologists (CAP), and the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO).

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SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Solid Tumor Assay

The SureSelect Cancer All-In-One solid tumor assay profiles 98 genes relevant to multiple common solid tumor types, including lung, breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate, sarcoma, and skin.

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SureSelect Cancer All-In-One Custom Assay

SureSelect All-In-One custom panels are created in SureDesign, Agilent's easy-to-use online tool. Probes are designed specifically for the types of variants targeted. To learn how to do it, watch this tutorial.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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