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Make the Switch to Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE)

Make the Switch to Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE)

New Agilent Chem Elut S, a synthetic SLE
Agilent Chem Elut S

Now it’s easier to achieve consistent results—
day to day and batch to batch

Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) is a reliable sample preparation process. But it is also time consuming and labor intensive.

Did you know that you can simplify your workflow with minimal changes to your SOPs?

Agilent Chem Elut S SLE products deliver reliable, reproducible results with minimal method development and a walk-away workflow.

With Chem Elut S, you can:

  • Improve reproducibility by minimizing analyst-to-analyst variability.
  • Eliminate emulsions because shaking is eliminated.
  • Achieve superior removal of unwanted, interfering matrix, such as salts and phospholipids.
  • Meet the recoveries you need—thanks to the minimal amount of extraction solvent required, resulting in a higher concentration of analytes collected.

Did you know there is a better way to do LLE?

webinar In this webinar we’ll describe the challenges that come up in an LLE workflow and how you can overcome them. We will explore workflow enhancements that are only achieved by using Chem Elut S synthetic SLE to isolate your analytes of interest.

How simple is the Chem Elut S SLE workflow?

It’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Step 1:

sample illustration
Aqueous sample Solid support
Load sample onto SLE sorbent.

Step 2:

sample illustration
Sample absorbed into solid support
Wait five minutes.

Step 3:

sample illustration
Salt and polar interfaces remain unextracted
Analytes extracted into the solvent
Extract with water-immiscible organic solvent.

See why SLE can be your secret weapon for increased productivity

These short presentations are only a few minutes long and provide insight into how SLE can simplify your workflow and increase the quality of your results.

Make the switch from LLE to a synthetic solid SLE

This presentation describes the advantages of SLE over LLE, highlighting application examples with good recoveries and high RSD. Comparisons between the new Agilent Chem Elut S synthetic SLE and diatomaceous earth-based SLE products will also be shown. View presentation

Using SLE as a sample preparation technique to remove salts and phospholipids

This presentation explains the detrimental effects salts and phospholipids can have on your equipment and results. And it demonstrates the effectiveness of using new Agilent Chem Elut S synthetic SLE in troublesome matrices. View presentation

The analysis of azo dyes
with Chem Elut S

This presentation demonstrates how to utilize Chem Elut S, our new synthetic SLE, for the traditional analysis of azo dyes. View presentation
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