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Asset Control

Improving lab operations by managing all aspects of laboratory assets

In brief:
  • Improving operational efficiency through a dedicated lab-wide services partner
  • Simplifying laboratory service strategy enables more science
  • Partnering with scientific operations experts for a successful lab relocation
article 1

Improved operational efficiency through a dedicated lab-wide services partner

Labs are complex and need to be run much like a business, with considerations far beyond the scientific outcomes. To meet ever-growing demands and unpredictable challenges, these laboratories often use an array of equipment types from a range of manufacturers. A lab-wide managed program, blending direct support and strategically managed services, yields the greatest advantages for optimizing a laboratory. A dedicated lab-wide service partnership is a transformational approach in which a single strategic partner actively manages and sources a compilation of service experts in support of a tailored service strategy. Due to the collaborative nature of this relationship, the service partner is both better aligned with the lab’s goals and better positioned to execute a successful service strategy.
article 2

Simplifying laboratory service strategy enables more science

A strong service strategy is a critical component to enhancing laboratory operations and enabling laboratory excellence, directly supporting a company’s core competencies and objectives. A purposeful strategy facilitates maximizing scientists’ time for science, instrument fleet uptime to support those personnel, and operational expenditure. The driving reason for developing a service and maintenance strategy is to enable science. Maximum instrument uptime is a critical and measurable metric to achieve laboratory business objectives. Understanding the composition and use of a scientific instrumentation fleet is a requisite foundation for making appropriate, informed, and data-driven decisions regarding laboratory assets. Read flyer
article 3

Partnering with scientific operations experts for a successful lab relocation

Choosing a true lab relocation partner over an individual provider is one of the biggest factors in determining a move's success. An expert partner with scientific experience can be the difference between finishing the relocation ahead of time while still under budget or waiting weeks after the move for repairs and additional service to be completed and days filled with downtime. Due to the risk of downtime, lab relocations can frustrate even the most seasoned lab manager. The need for a capable partner with extensive scientific knowledge and understanding of industry best practices cannot be overstated when relocating an analytical laboratory. Ensure your relocation partner has the laboratory background to truly understand the intentions of the relocation, what will be needed to make those intentions reality, and the suppliers and connections required to make it all happen. Read full article

Keep in mind

Visibility is critical for understanding lab operations—not knowing what assets you have and why you have them may result in lab inefficiency and reduced productivity—a trusted partner uncovers the what and the why of your asset base and tailors your service strategy to ensure lab-wide standards are met at optimal value.
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