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Agilent Cell Analysis Webinar Series

See below for more Agilent Cell Analysis Webinars on a variety of research subjects. Webinars may appear in multiple research areas.
Aging Research Assays Under Hypoxic Conditions
Cancer Research Cardiovascular Research
Cell Physiology Research Drug Discovery
Methods Model Organisms
Neurobiology Research Obesity, Diabetes, & Metabolic Disorders
Immunology Research Stem Cell Biology
Immunotherapy and Cell Gene Therapy Toxicology Research
Infectious Disease Translational Research
Aging Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
From data to biology—uncovering regulators of redox signaling and metabolic physiology Dr. Haopeng Xiao
Research Fellow at
Dana Farber Cancer Institute and
Harvard Medical School
Seahorse XF Analyzer May 31, 2023
Metformin treatment for aging-induced immune cell decline Leena Bharath, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Health Sciences
Merrimack College
Seahorse XF Analyzer November 4, 2020
Mitochondrial NAD homeostasis and the control of cellular metabolism Nora Kory, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Molecular Metabolism
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 15, 2020
Defining the Bioenergetic Metabolite Interactome in Human Subjects Victor M. Darley-Usmar, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research 
Endowed Professor in Mitochondrial Medicine and Pathology 
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Seahorse XF Analyzer August 13, 2020
Assays Under Hypoxic Conditions
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
New solutions for measuring metabolism; harnessing the power of your plate reader James Hynes, Ph.D,
Research and Development,
Project Manager,
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Soluble Metabolic Sensor August 1, 2018
Cancer Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Navigating the cell migration assay landscape: How to bring together the most appropriate tools and approaches to ensure robust, accurate results Joe Clayton, Ph.D.,
Director of Application Development and Technical Marketing, Agilent Cell Analysis
AutoScratch, Gen5, Cytation 5 March 20, 2024
Achieving deeper insights into complex cellular models through optical enhancements to automated confocal imaging Ernest Heimsath PhD,
Application Development Scientist,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation C10 January 24, 2024
Cell Analysis Imaging Application Highlight: Automated imaging applications that enable robust quantitative analysis and deliver detailed insight into cell models Joe Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation 1, Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10. October 25, 2023
Dr. Steven M. Offer,
Assistant Professor,
Mayo Clinics
xCELLigence RTCA DP September 7, 2023
Agilent BioTek 406 FX Washer Dispenser: Technology-Driven Application Diversity and Workflow Efficiency Dr. Charles William Amirmansour;
Global Business Development Manager,
Agilent Cell Analysis
406 FX July 19, 2023
From Cells to Spheroids: High-throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate TGF-β Signaling in 2D and 3D Cellular Models Ernest Heimsath, PhD,
Application Development Scientist, Agilent Cell Analysis and Antony Wood, Ph.D., Senior Director, Product Design & Strategy, Cell Signaling Technology
Cytation C10 June 28, 2023
Advances in Automated Imaging-based Characterization of 3D Tissue Models using Novel High-throughput Cell Culture Platforms Oscar Abilez, MD, PhD,
Senior Scientist, Stanford University, Department of Cardiothoracic,
Surgery & Pediatric Cardiac Surgery and Karly Caples, PhD Candidate,
Graduate Research, Pharmaceutical Sciences Program at the University of Florida
Cytation 5 June 7, 2023
Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers Monika Gooz, M.D.,
Ph.D. Associate Professor of Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences
CZI Imaging Scientist, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Medical University of South Carolina
Cytation 5, Gen5 March 22, 2023
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Object Tracking Module: Applications in 2D cell migration Ernest Heimsath, PhD.,
Application Development Scientist
Gen5 January 25, 2023
Spheroids–What, Why and How-to Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX December 7, 2022
High Throughput Imaging of 3D Engineered Model Constructs Jordan Miner, Ph.D., Student in Biomedical Engineering; University of Maine Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering and Karissa Tilbury, Ph.D., Assistant Professor; University of Maine Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering Cytation 5 October 28, 2022
Overcoming Pitfalls in Live Cell Imaging Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX June 01, 2022
Agilent BioTek Lionheart Technology: Driving physiological relevance in early drug discovery Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX May 18, 2022
Automated, Efficient Imaging of 3D Glioma Tumoroid Invasion to Screen for MT1-MMP Inhibitors in 96-Well Format Gregg Fields, Ph.D. Executive Director,
I-HEALTH Professor,
Florida Atlantic University,
Ania Knapinska, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development,
Alphazyme and Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent
Cytation 5 April 20, 2022
Vita Golubovskaya, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Business Development,
Promab Biotechnologies
xCELLigence RTCA April 7, 2022
Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager, Agilent
405 TS, BioStack, EL406, MultiFlo FX March 30, 2022
Utilization of side effects upon OXPHOS blockade to the advantage of improved treatment efficacy in acute leukemia Dr. Natalia Baran MD, PhD, Research Faculty Instructor, Department of Leukemia, Section of Molecular Hematology and Therapy, The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Seahorse XF Analyzer November 18, 2021
Nutrients and metabolites controlling Natural Killer Cell responses Dr David Finlay, Associate Professor in Immunometabolism, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College Dublin Seahorse XF Analyzer November 18, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 2 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 27, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 1 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 7, 2021
Anup Srivastava, PhD, Field Applications Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Leena Paul, PhD, Product Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer August 9, 2021
Lauren Jachimowicz, PhD, Application Development Scientist, Flow Cytometery, Agilent Technologies NovoCyte Flow Cytometer July 27, 2021
Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader Rebecca Mongeon, PhD.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation C10 July 28, 2021
Automated Sample Prep and Beyond Webinar Series Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10
Repurposing lactate as a fuel for CAR T-cells in solid tumors Roddy O'Connor, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Center for Cellular Immunotherapies
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Seahorse XF Analyzer April 22, 2021
Dr. Daniel Hui Associate Director – Analytical Development, Tmunity Therapeutics xCELLigence RTCA February 25, 2021
Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory Chris Laucius, Ph.D,
Product Manager in Development, Agilent
Cytation C10 February 17, 2021
Next Generation Cytation Technology: A Revolutionary Modular Tool for Smarter Detection, Characterization & Screening Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Cytation C10 January 26, 2021
Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D; Principal Scientist, Agilent Cytation 5, Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 October 28, 2020
Fabio Cerignoli, PhD Senior Field Application Scientist, Agilent Technologies xCELLigence RTCA July 29, 2020
Christopher DeRenzo M.D., Assistant Member St. Jude Children's Research Hospital xCELLigence RTCA July 29, 2020
Juan Miguel Sanchez Nieto, PhD, Catapult Cell and Gene Therapy xCELLigence RTCA July 29, 2020
Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 7, EL406 May 27, 2020
Ask the Experts - Moving Cell Migration Research Forward with Integrated Solutions from BioTek Instruments Samila Nasrollahi, PhD.
Field Application Scientist,
Tom Lampert, Ph.D.,
Field Application Scientist,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientist
May 20, 2020
Understanding the Enemy: An Applied Review of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Dr. Kristen Peters Olson,
Field Applications Scientist
Cytation 5 May 13, 2020
Ask the Experts – Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing Diane M. Kambach, PhD.,
Brad Larson and Jared Amuan,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
EL406 May 05, 2020
Modeling Anti-tumor Function of Human T Cells with xCELLigence RTCA eSight Michael G. Overstreet, PhD
Scientist, Oncology Discovery
AstraZeneca, Oncology R&D
xCELLigence RTCA eSight May 5, 2020
3D Culture Methods and Imaging Considerations Brad Larson and Valerie Sodi,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 29, 2020
Ask the Experts – Studying Cellular Metabolism in Cancer and Beyond Dr. Valerie Sodi and Dr. Amanda Herberger,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Cytation 7 April 28, 2020
Effective combination therapy targeting BACH1 and mitochondrial metabolism in breast cancer Jiyoung Lee, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
School of Medicine & Health Sciences
George Washington University
Seahorse XF Analyzer April 23, 2020
Ask the Experts – Scaling Up Your Science: Working in Multiwell Plate Dr. Katie Zlotkowski and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
April 21, 2020
Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies Joseph E. Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 15, 2020
Ask the Experts – Capturing the Host-Pathogen Interaction Kristen Peters, Ph.D.,
Britney Phippen, Ph.D.,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 14, 2020
Ask the Experts – Histology Workflow from Tissue Prep, Sectioning, and Staining to Imaging Dr. Amanda Herberger and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists
Lionheart FX April 07, 2020
Advances in Quantitative Image-Based Applications Utilizing a Powerful and Unique Combination of Imaging Tools Dr. Paul Held,
Applications Laboratory Manager
Cytation 7 March 25, 2020
Revealing Cellular Metabolic Phenotype and Function Using Agilent Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests George W. Rogers, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Expert Bioassay Solutions, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer March 5th, 2020
Advances in Live Cell Imaging Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager and Rebecca Mongeon, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 5, BioSpa 8 November 13, 2019
Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Peter J. Brescia Jr.,MSc, MBA,
Applications Scientist
Synergy LX September 25, 2019
The bioenergetics of immune cell persistence in the tumor microenvironment David Ferrick, PhD
Senior Strategy Director
Cell Analysis, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer August 6, 2019
Therapeutic targeting of metabolic synthetic lethality in cancer research Yuting Sun, PhD
Institute Research Scientist
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Seahorse XF Analyzer July 17, 2019
A fully automated solution for conducting cell migration assays using the AutoScratch Wound Making Tool Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
AutoScratch Wound Making Tool June 19, 2019
Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis Sarah Beckman, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX March 20, 2019
Use of Agilent XF Seahorse technology to monitor metabolic reprogramming via OXPHOS blockade in leukemia Natalia Baran, MD, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Leukemia
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 7, 2019
Measuring ATP production rates with the Seahorse XF Analyzer Ajit Divakaruni, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Seahorse XF Analyzer January 31, 2019
T cell metabolism in activation and exhaustion Greg M. Delgoffe, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Tumor Microenvironment Center,
Department of Immunology University of Pittsburgh
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 18, 2018
Cynthia Bamdad, Ph.D, Chief Executive Officer, Minerva Biotechnologies and Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D. Team Leader, Cell Therapy Discovery, Precision Biosciences xCELLigence RTCA September 27, 2018
Metabolic Plasticity as a Therapeutic Target Victor M. Darley-Usmar, PhD,
Director, UAB Mitochondrial Medicine Laboratory
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Seahorse XF Analyzer September 26, 2018
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Cardiovascular Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Cell Analysis Imaging Application Highlight: Automated imaging applications that enable robust quantitative analysis and deliver detailed insight into cell models Joe Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation 1, Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10. October 25, 2023
From Cells to Spheroids: High-throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate TGF-β Signaling in 2D and 3D Cellular Models Ernest Heimsath, PhD,
Application Development Scientist, Agilent Cell Analysis and Antony Wood, Ph.D., Senior Director, Product Design & Strategy, Cell Signaling Technology
406 FX June 28, 2023
Jestine Ho, Applications Scientist, West Coast, Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Brian Kierce, Product Specialist for Seahorse XF, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer February 2, 2021
Using Seahorse assays to probe the role of metabolic reprogramming in pulmonary vascular disease Stephen M. Black, Professor of Medicine & Physiology Chief, Division of Translational & Regenerative Medicinen Vice Chair for Basic Research Director, Center of Lung Vascular Pathobiology, University of Arizona Seahorse XF Analyzer June 24, 2020
SNPing in and out of the stem cell genome with CRISPR/Cas9 to investigate cardiovascular disease Chris Denning, Professor and Head of Department for Stem Cell Biology, Director of the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Seahorse XF Analyzer

xCELLigence RTCA instruments

xCELLigence RTCA Cardio instruments
September 24, 2019
Drug Discovery
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Advancing Neurobiology Research: Quantify Neurite Outgrowth with a Powerful Automated Solution Rebecca Mongeon, PhD,
Applications Development Scientist,
Gen5 August 28, 2024
Unlocking Discovery: The Agilent BioTek Synergy Neo2 Hybrid Multimode Reader for Next-Level Target-Based Research and Screening Charles William Amirmansour, Ph.D.,
Global Business Development Manager
Synergy Neo2 April 24, 2024
Cell Analysis Imaging Application Highlight: Automated imaging applications that enable robust quantitative analysis and deliver detailed insight into cell models Joe Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation 1, Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10. October 25, 2023
Learning About the Mitochondrial Role in a Lysosomal Storage Neurodegenerative Disorder Dr. Marina García-Macia
Ramón y Cajal Researcher
Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG), University of Salamanca
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 30, 2023
Rapid Accurate Detection of Mitochondrial Toxicity Using the Agilent Seahorse XF Pro George W. Rogers, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Expert
Bioassay Solutions, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 22, 2023
Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers Monika Gooz, M.D.,
Ph.D. Associate Professor of Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences
CZI Imaging Scientist, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Medical University of South Carolina
Cytation 5, Gen5 March 22, 2023
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Object Tracking Module: Applications in 2D cell migration Ernest Heimsath, PhD.,
Application Development Scientist
Gen5 January 25, 2023
Spheroids–What, Why and How-to Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX December 7, 2022
Biosensors for Cell Signaling - Tips and Tricks on how to obtain and analyze high quality data from live cell, high throughput assays of signaling dynamics Luciana Leo, Ph.D. - Montana Molecular, Bozeman, MT; Sam Hoare, Ph.D. – Montana Molecular, Bozeman, MT & Pharmechanics LLC, Owego, NY Cytation C10, Synergy Neo2, 405 TS Washer September 02, 2022
LAMP Assays: Kinetic characterization using a Multimode Microplate Reader JPeter Brescia, Applications Specialist, Agilent Technologies Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 August 03, 2022
Overcoming Pitfalls in Live Cell Imaging Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX June 01, 2022
Agilent BioTek Lionheart Technology: Driving physiological relevance in early drug discovery Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX May 18, 2022
Automated, Efficient Imaging of 3D Glioma Tumoroid Invasion to Screen for MT1-MMP Inhibitors in 96-Well Format Gregg Fields, Ph.D. Executive Director,
I-HEALTH Professor,
Florida Atlantic University,
Ania Knapinska, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development,
Alphazyme and Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent
Cytation 5 April 20, 2022
Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager, Agilent
405 TS, BioStack, EL406, MultiFlo FX March 30, 2022
Transforming Bioenergetic Measurements – Again James Hynes
Head of R&D
Cell Analysis
Agilent Technologies, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 3, 2022
Utilization of side effects upon OXPHOS blockade to the advantage of improved treatment efficacy in acute leukemia Dr. Natalia Baran MD, PhD, Research Faculty Instructor, Department of Leukemia, Section of Molecular Hematology and Therapy, The University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Seahorse XF Analyzer November 18, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 2 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 27, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 1 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 7, 2021
Anup Srivastava, PhD, Field Applications Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Leena Paul, PhD, Product Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer August 9, 2021
Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader Rebecca Mongeon, PhD.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation C10 July 28, 2021
Automated Sample Prep and Beyond Webinar Series Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10
Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory Chris Laucius, Ph.D,
Product Manager in Development, Agilent
Cytation C10 February 17, 2021
Next Generation Cytation Technology: A Revolutionary Modular Tool for Smarter Detection, Characterization & Screening Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Cytation C10 January 26, 2021
Mechanism-based off-target screening de-risks clinical development of antiviral nucleoside/tide drugs Joy Feng, PhD
Principal Scientist, Gilead Sciences, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer December 9th, 2020
Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D; Principal Scientist, Agilent Cytation 5, Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 October 28, 2020
Defining the Bioenergetic Metabolite Interactome in Human Subjects Victor M. Darley-Usmar, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research 
Endowed Professor in Mitochondrial Medicine and Pathology 
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Seahorse XF Analyzer August 13, 2020
Jestine Ho, Applications Scientist, West Coast, Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer July 13, 2020
Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 7, EL406 May 27, 2020
Ask the Experts - Moving Cell Migration Research Forward with Integrated Solutions from BioTek Instruments Samila Nasrollahi, PhD.
Field Application Scientist,
Tom Lampert, Ph.D.,
Field Application Scientist,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientist
May 20, 2020
Understanding the Enemy: An Applied Review of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Dr. Kristen Peters Olson,
Field Applications Scientist
Cytation 5 May 13, 2020
Ask the Experts – Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing Diane M. Kambach, PhD.,
Brad Larson and Jared Amuan,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
EL406 May 05, 2020
Modeling Anti-tumor Function of Human T Cells with xCELLigence RTCA eSight Michael G. Overstreet, PhD
Scientist, Oncology Discovery
AstraZeneca, Oncology R&D
xCELLigence RTCA eSight May 5, 2020
3D Culture Methods and Imaging Considerations Brad Larson and Valerie Sodi,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 29, 2020
Ask the Experts – Studying Cellular Metabolism in Cancer and Beyond Dr. Valerie Sodi and Dr. Amanda Herberger,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Cytation 7 April 28, 2020
Effective combination therapy targeting BACH1 and mitochondrial metabolism in breast cancer Jiyoung Lee, PhD
Assistant Professor, Biochemistry & Molecular Medicine
School of Medicine & Health Sciences
George Washington University
Seahorse XF Analyzer April 23, 2020
Ask the Experts – Scaling Up Your Science: Working in Multiwell Plate Dr. Katie Zlotkowski and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
April 21, 2020
Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies Joseph E. Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 15, 2020
Ask the Experts – Capturing the Host-Pathogen Interaction Kristen Peters, Ph.D.,
Britney Phippen, Ph.D.,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 14, 2020
Ask the Experts – Histology Workflow from Tissue Prep, Sectioning, and Staining to Imaging Dr. Amanda Herberger and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists
Lionheart FX April 07, 2020
Metabolic regulation of adaptive immune cell function Sandra Milasta, PhD Senior Scientist Immunotherapy, Pre-clinical Development Elevatebio Seahorse XF Analyzer April 1, 2020
Advances in Quantitative Image-Based Applications Utilizing a Powerful and Unique Combination of Imaging Tools Dr. Paul Held,
Applications Laboratory Manager
Cytation 7 March 25, 2020
Utilizing Early Mitochondrial Screens in Drug Safety Toxicology Julie Eakins
Senior Research Scientist Cyprotex (an Evotec Company)
Seahorse XF Analyzer December 11, 2019
Advances in Live Cell Imaging Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager and Rebecca Mongeon, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 5, BioSpa 8 November 13, 2019
Core metabolic pathways dictate potency and persistence in adoptive T cell therapy John Connolly, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer,
Tessa Therapeutics Ltd
Research Director, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMCB)
Seahorse XF Analyzer

Novocyte Flow Cytometers
October 23, 2019
Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Peter J. Brescia Jr.,MSc, MBA,
Applications Scientist
Synergy LX September 25, 2019
SNPing in and out of the stem cell genome with CRISPR/Cas9 to investigate cardiovascular disease Chris Denning, Professor and Head of Department for Stem Cell Biology, Director of the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Seahorse XF Analyzer

xCELLigence RTCA instruments

xCELLigence RTCA Cardio instruments
September 24, 2019
Therapeutic targeting of metabolic synthetic lethality in cancer research Yuting Sun, PhD
Institute Research Scientist
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Seahorse XF Analyzer July 17, 2019
A fully automated solution for conducting cell migration assays using the AutoScratch Wound Making Tool Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
AutoScratch Wound Making Tool June 19, 2019
Screen out drug-induced mitochondrial toxicity in the early stages of drug development Karen Tilmant, PhD, Toxicologist
Klaunig Lab, School of Public Health, Indiana University
Bloomington, IN, USA
Seahorse XF Analyzer May 21, 2019
Use of Agilent XF Seahorse technology to monitor metabolic reprogramming via OXPHOS blockade in leukemia Natalia Baran, MD, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Leukemia
University of Texas
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 7, 2019
Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis Sarah Beckman, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX March 20, 2019
Metabolic Plasticity as a Therapeutic Target Victor M. Darley-Usmar, PhD,
Director, UAB Mitochondrial Medicine Laboratory
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Seahorse XF Analyzer September 26, 2018
Drug Discovery: Natural Products that Expand and Induce Brown Adipose Tissue using innovative Stem Cell Metabolism Assays Shahzad Ali, Ph.D.,
Senior Research Scientist
Plasticell Limited
Seahorse XF Analyzer

Soluble Metabolic Sensor
September 6, 2018
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Cell Physiology Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Mitochondrial NAD homeostasis and the control of cellular metabolism Nora Kory, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Molecular Metabolism
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 15, 2020
Defining the Bioenergetic Metabolite Interactome in Human Subjects Victor M. Darley-Usmar, Ph.D.
Associate Dean for Research 
Endowed Professor in Mitochondrial Medicine and Pathology 
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Seahorse XF Analyzer August 13, 2020
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Immunology Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Effective Metabolism for T cells to Persist in the Solid Tumor Microenvironment Jessica E. Thaxton, Ph.D, MsCR
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Cell Biology & Physiology
Immunotherapy Group, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Seahorse XF Analyzer September 14, 2023
Cell Analysis Imaging Application Highlight: Automated imaging applications that enable robust quantitative analysis and deliver detailed insight into cell models Joe Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation 1, Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10. October 25, 2023
What fuels CAR T cell serial killing Dr. Roddy O'Connor, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Center for Cellular Immunotherapies Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Seahorse XF Analyzer April 27, 2023
Agilent BioTek Gen5 Object Tracking Module: Applications in 2D cell migration Ernest Heimsath, PhD.,
Application Development Scientist
Gen5 January 25, 2023
Transforming Bioenergetic Measurements – Again James Hynes
Head of R&D
Cell Analysis
Agilent Technologies, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 3, 2022
Overcoming Pitfalls in Live Cell Imaging Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX June 01, 2022
Agilent BioTek Lionheart Technology: Driving physiological relevance in early drug discovery Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX May 18, 2022
Automated, Efficient Imaging of 3D Glioma Tumoroid Invasion to Screen for MT1-MMP Inhibitors in 96-Well Format Gregg Fields, Ph.D. Executive Director,
I-HEALTH Professor,
Florida Atlantic University,
Ania Knapinska, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development,
Alphazyme and Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent
Cytation 5 April 20, 2022
Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager, Agilent
405 TS, BioStack, EL406, MultiFlo FX March 30, 2022
Nutrients and metabolites controlling Natural Killer Cell responses Dr David Finlay, Associate Professor in Immunometabolism, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College Dublin Seahorse XF Analyzer November 18, 2021
Mechanisms of metabolic and epigenetic coordination in tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte exhaustion Dr. Brian Koss
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 28, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 2 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 27, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 1 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 7, 2021
Autophagy as a master immunometabolic regulator in T-cell-mediated protection against HIV-1 Infection Hamza Loucif PhD Candidate INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie, Laval, Quebec, Canada Seahorse XF Analyzer September 16, 2021
Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader Rebecca Mongeon, PhD.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation C10 July 28, 2021
Manish Bharadwaj, PhD, Applications Scientist, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic, Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Kevin Bittman, PhD, East Coast Field Applications Scientist, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer July 20, 2021
Repurposing lactate as a fuel for CAR T-cells in solid tumors Dr. Roddy O'Connor, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Center for Cellular Immunotherapies
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Seahorse Analyzers April 22, 2021
Fueling T Cells: Immunometabolic Checkpoints in Cancer & Inflammation Jeffrey Rathmell, Ph.D.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor
Director, Vanderbilt Center for Immunobiology
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 10, 2021
Accelerating immunotherapy research– new discovery tools for measuring immune cell fate, fitness, and function David Ferrick, PhD
Associate VP
Cell Analysis Division
Agilent Technologies
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 16, 2021
Automated Sample Prep and Beyond Webinar Series Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10
Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory Chris Laucius, Ph.D,
Product Manager in Development, Agilent
Cytation C10 February 17, 2021
Next Generation Cytation Technology: A Revolutionary Modular Tool for Smarter Detection, Characterization & Screening Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Cytation C10 January 26, 2021
Mechanism-based off-target screening de-risks clinical development of antiviral nucleoside/tide drugs Joy Feng, PhD
Principal Scientist, Gilead Sciences, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer December, 2020
The NLRP3 inflammasome and metabolism - chasing the connection Olaf Groß, PhD
Professor of Experimental Neuropathology,
Medical Center,
University of Freiburg
Seahorse XF Analyzer December 3, 2020
Metformin treatment for aging-induced immune cell decline Leena Bharath, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Health Sciences
Merrimack College
Seahorse XF Analyzer November 4, 2020
Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D; Principal Scientist, Agilent Cytation 5, Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 October 28, 2020
Lara Campana, Ph.D.
Research Fellow, Post-doctoral Research Associate, Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh
NovoCyte Flow Cytometer July 29, 2020
Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 7, EL406 May 27, 2020
Ask the Experts - Moving Cell Migration Research Forward with Integrated Solutions from BioTek Instruments Samila Nasrollahi, PhD.
Field Application Scientist,
Tom Lampert, Ph.D.,
Field Application Scientist,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientist
May 20, 2020
Understanding the Enemy: An Applied Review of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Dr. Kristen Peters Olson,
Field Applications Scientist
Cytation 5 May 13, 2020
How intracellular metabolic change governs immunity and inflammation Luke O'Neill, PhD
Professor (Chair of Biochemistry)
Trinity College Dublin
Seahorse XF Analyzer May 13, 2020
Ask the Experts – Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing Diane M. Kambach, PhD.,
Brad Larson and Jared Amuan,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
EL406 May 05, 2020
Modeling Anti-tumor Function of Human T Cells with xCELLigence RTCA eSight Michael G. Overstreet, PhD
Scientist, Oncology Discovery
AstraZeneca, Oncology R&D
xCELLigence RTCA eSight May 5, 2020
Metabolic regulation of adaptive immune cell function Sandra Milasta, PhD Senior Scientist Immunotherapy, Pre-clinical Development Elevatebio Seahorse XF Analyzer April 1, 2020
3D Culture Methods and Imaging Considerations Brad Larson and Valerie Sodi,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 29, 2020
Ask the Experts – Studying Cellular Metabolism in Cancer and Beyond Dr. Valerie Sodi and Dr. Amanda Herberger,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Cytation 7 April 28, 2020
Ask the Experts – Scaling Up Your Science: Working in Multiwell Plate Dr. Katie Zlotkowski and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
April 21, 2020
Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies Joseph E. Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 15, 2020
Ask the Experts – Capturing the Host-Pathogen Interaction Kristen Peters, Ph.D.,
Britney Phippen, Ph.D.,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 14, 2020
Ask the Experts – Histology Workflow from Tissue Prep, Sectioning, and Staining to Imaging Dr. Amanda Herberger and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists
Lionheart FX April 07, 2020
Advances in Quantitative Image-Based Applications Utilizing a Powerful and Unique Combination of Imaging Tools Dr. Paul Held,
Applications Laboratory Manager
Cytation 7 March 25, 2020
Revealing Cellular Metabolic Phenotype and Function Using Agilent Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests George W. Rogers, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Expert Bioassay Solutions, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer March 5, 2020
Advances in Live Cell Imaging Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager and Rebecca Mongeon, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 5, BioSpa 8 November 13, 2019
Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Peter J. Brescia Jr.,MSc, MBA,
Applications Scientist
Synergy LX September 25, 2019
A fully automated solution for conducting cell migration assays using the AutoScratch Wound Making Tool Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
AutoScratch Wound Making Tool June 19, 2019
Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis Sarah Beckman, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX March 20, 2019
Metabolic control of macrophage (re)programming Jan Van den Bossche, PhD
Macrophage Immunometabolism group leader in the Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology at Amsterdam UMC
Seahorse XF Analyzer November 6, 2019
Core metabolic pathways dictate potency and persistence in adoptive T cell therapy John Connolly, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer,
Tessa Therapeutics Ltd
Research Director, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMCB)
Seahorse XF Analyzer

Novocyte Flow Cytometers
October 23, 2019
The bioenergetics of immune cell persistence in the tumor microenvironment David Ferrick, PhD
Senior Strategy Director
Cell Analysis, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer August 6, 2019
What Tregs eat makes them strong and vulnerable: a new metabolic checkpoint for cancer immunotherapy research Ping-Chih Ho, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Fundamental Oncology, University of Lausanne, Ludwig Center for Cancer Research Seahorse XF Analyzer June 25, 2019
Exploring how Mycobacterium tuberculosis reprograms host bioenergetic metabolism Bridgette M Cumming, Ph.D., Research Associate, Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) Durban, South Africa
Introduction by Dr. Adrie Steyn Professor/Investigator UAB/AHRI
Seahorse XF Analyzer April 4, 2019
Measuring ATP production rates with the Seahorse XF Analyzer Ajit Divakaruni, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Seahorse XF Analyzer January 31, 2019
T cell metabolism in activation and exhaustion Greg M. Delgoffe, Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Tumor Microenvironment Center,
Department of Immunology University of Pittsburgh
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 18, 2018
Metabolic Plasticity as a Therapeutic Target Victor M. Darley-Usmar, PhD,
Director, UAB Mitochondrial Medicine Laboratory
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Seahorse XF Analyzer September 26, 2018
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Quantitative analysis of neutrophil activation using Agilent Seahorse XF technology Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Seahorse XF Products
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 28, 2018
Immunotherapy and Cell Gene Therapy
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Dr. Timothy London,
Scientific Director of Molecular
Biology at Antibody Analytics
xCELLigence RTCA, NovoCyte flow cytometer October 24, 2023
Dr. Jia Shenglan,
Nanyang Environment &
Water Research Institute in Singapore
xCELLigence RTCA eSigh October 12, 2023
Effective Metabolism for T cells to Persist in the Solid Tumor Microenvironment Jessica E. Thaxton, Ph.D, MsCR
Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Cell Biology & Physiology
Immunotherapy Group, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Seahorse XF Analyzer September 14, 2023
Dr. Nick Maskalenko,
Postdoctoral Associate,
Fox Chase Cancer Center
xCELLigence RTCA September 12, 2023
CAR-T from Discovery to Process Development and Manufacturing Roddy O'Connor, PhD, Upenn
Joseph Lee, PhD, Affini-T Therapeutics
Tamara Laskowski, PhD, Lonza
Seahorse XF, xCELLigence RTCA eSight, NovoCyte flow cytometer, BioTek Cytation, BioTek Synergy August 16, 2023
Tamara Laskowski, PhD,
Lonza, and Yama Abassi, PhD,
AVP, Agilent Technologies
xCELLigence RTCA, Seahorse XF Analyzer, BioTek Synergy May 17, 2023
What fuels CAR T cell serial killing Dr. Roddy O'Connor, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Center for Cellular Immunotherapies Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Seahorse XF Analyzer April 27, 2023
Modeling the tumor microenvironment: An in vitro T cell exhaustion model for the characterisation of multi-specific biologics and immunotherapies Dr. Agapitos Patakas,
Chief Scientific Officer,
Antibody Analytics
xCELLigence RTCA, NovoCyte flow cytometer March 28, 2023
Vita Golubovskaya, PhD, Director of R&D at Promab Biotechnologies xCELLigence RTCA April 7, 2022
Dr. Archana Thakur, Associate Professor of Medicine, Director of Human Cellular Therapeutics cGMP Core xCELLigence RTCA, Seahorse XF, NovoCyte flow cytometer April 27, 2022
Brandon Lamarche, PhD, Principal Scientist, Agilent Technologies xCELLigence RTCA eSight May 5, 2022
Ryan Raver, PhD, Product Manager, Agilent Technologies xCELLigence RTCA eSight May 24, 2022
Ryan Raver, PhD, Product Manager, Agilent Technologies xCELLigence RTCA eSight August 25, 2022
Sabrina Manuela de Munnik, PhD, Senior Scientist, Charles River xCELLigence RTCA, NovoCyte flow cytometer October 25, 2022
Rashmi Pillai, PhD, Research Scientist, Agilent Technologies xCELLigence RTCA eSight, Seahorse XF Pro November 29, 2022
Assessing Immune Cell Function, Metabolic Fitness, and Persistence Vita Golubovskaya, Ph.D.
Michael C. Milone, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Yama Abassi, PhD, Associate Vice President, Strategic Marketing and New Market Development, Agilent Technologies; Rashmi Pillai, PhD, Research Scientist, Agilent Technologies; Brad Larson, Product Manager – MarCom, Agilent Technologies; Natalia Romero, PhD, Head of Bioassay Solutions, Agilent Technologies
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, MultiFlo FX September 28, 2022
Vita Golubovskaya, Ph.D.
Director of Research and Business Development,
Promab Biotechnologies
xCELLigence RTCA April 7, 2022
T cell therapy development with the Seahorse XF Pro Solution Natalia Romero, PhD
Head of Bioassay Solutions, PLXF
Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 17, 2022
Transforming Bioenergetic Measurements – Again James Hynes
Head of R&D
Cell Analysis
Agilent Technologies, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 3, 2022
Nutrients and metabolites controlling Natural Killer Cell responses Dr David Finlay, Associate Professor in Immunometabolism, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College Dublin Seahorse XF Analyzer November 18, 2021
Mechanisms of metabolic and epigenetic coordination in tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte exhaustion Dr. Brian Koss
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 28, 2021
Lauren Jachimowicz, PhD, Application Development Scientist, Flow Cytometery, Agilent Technologies NovoCyte Flow Cytometer July 27, 2021
Manish Bharadwaj, PhD, Applications Scientist, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic, Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Kevin Bittman, PhD, East Coast Field Applications Scientist, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer July 20, 2021
Kristin Anderson, PhD Research Associate, Greenberg Lab, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center xCELLigence RTCA May 6, 2021
Repurposing lactate as a fuel for CAR T-cells in solid tumors Dr. Roddy O'Connor, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Center for Cellular Immunotherapies
Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Seahorse Analyzers April 22, 2021
Fueling T Cells: Immunometabolic Checkpoints in Cancer & Inflammation Jeffrey Rathmell, Ph.D.
Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor
Director, Vanderbilt Center for Immunobiology
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 10, 2021
Cell Impedance as a Tool to Measure CAR-T Cell Killing Dr. Daniel Hui Associate Director – Analytical Development, Tmunity Therapeutics xCELLigence RTCA February 25, 2021
Accelerating immunotherapy research– new discovery tools for measuring immune cell fate, fitness, and function David Ferrick, PhD
Associate VP
Cell Analysis Division
Agilent Technologies
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 16, 2021
Fabio Cerignoli, PhD Senior Field Application Scientist, Agilent Technologies xCELLigence RTCA July 29, 2020
Christopher DeRenzo M.D., Assistant Member St. Jude Children's Research Hospital xCELLigence RTCA July 29, 2020
Juan Miguel Sanchez Nieto, PhD, Catapult Cell and Gene Therapy xCELLigence RTCA July 29, 2020
Modeling anti-tumor function of human T cells Michael G. Overstreet, PhD
Scientist, Oncology Discovery
AstraZeneca, Oncology R&D
xCELLigence RTCA eSight May 5, 2020
Metabolic regulation of adaptive immune cell function Sandra Milasta, PhD Senior Scientist Immunotherapy, Pre-clinical Development Elevatebio Seahorse XF Analyzer April 1, 2020
Metabolic control of macrophage (re)programming Jan Van den Bossche, PhD
Macrophage Immunometabolism
group leader in the Department of
Molecular Cell Biology and
Immunology at Amsterdam UMC
Seahorse XF Analyzer November 6, 2019
Core metabolic pathways dictate potency and persistence in adoptive T cell therapy John Connolly, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer,
Tessa Therapeutics Ltd
Research Director, Institute
of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMCB)
Seahorse XF Analyzer

Novocyte Flow Cytometers
October 23, 2019
The bioenergetics of immune cell persistence in the tumor microenvironment David Ferrick, Ph.D,
Senior Strategy Director
Cell Analysis, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer August 6, 2019
What Tregs eat makes them strong and vulnerable: a new metabolic checkpoint for cancer immunotherapy research Ping-Chih Ho, Ph.D,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Fundamental
University of Lausanne Oncology,
Ludwig Center for Cancer Research
Seahorse XF Analyzer January 31, 2019
Cynthia Bamdad, Ph.D, Chief Executive Officer, Minerva Biotechnologies and Mark C. Johnson, Ph.D. Team Leader, Cell Therapy Discovery, Precision Biosciences xCELLigence RTCA September 27, 2018
T cell metabolism in activation and exhaustion Greg M. Delgoffe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Tumor
Microenvironment Center
Department of Immunology
University of Pittsburgh
Seahorse XF Analyzer October 18, 2018
Infectious Disease
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Autophagy as a master immunometabolic regulator in T-cell-mediated protection against HIV-1 Infection Hamza Loucif PhD Candidate INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie, Laval, Quebec, Canada Seahorse XF Analyzer September 16, 2021
Dr. Kevin Bittman Field Applications Scientist Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer May 27, 2020
Brandon Lamarche, Ph.D.,Agilent Technologies, Cell Analysis Division xCELLigence RTCA eSight August 26, 2020
Côme Thieulent, Gabrielle Sutton, Stéphane Pronost, Ph.D., LABEO Frank Duncombe xCELLigence RTCA October 1, 2020
Mechanism-based off-target screening de-risks clinical development of antiviral nucleoside/tide drugs Joy Feng, PhD
Principal Scientist, Gilead Sciences, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer December 9th, 2020
Exploring how Mycobacterium tuberculosis reprograms host bioenergetic metabolism Bridgette M Cumming, Ph.D., Research Associate, Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) Durban, South Africa Introduction by Dr. Adrie Steyn Professor/Investigator UAB/AHRI Seahorse XF Analyzer April 4, 2019
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Navigating the cell migration assay landscape: How to bring together the most appropriate tools and approaches to ensure robust, accurate results Joe Clayton, Ph.D.,
Director of Application Development and Technical Marketing, Agilent Cell Analysis
AutoScratch, Gen5, Cytation 5 March 20, 2024
Achieving deeper insights into complex cellular models through optical enhancements to automated confocal imaging Ernest Heimsath PhD,
Application Development Scientist,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation C10 January 24, 2024
Dr. Bárbara Schlicht,
NovoCyte flow cytometer November 8, 2023
From data to biology—uncovering regulators of redox signaling and metabolic physiology Dr. Haopeng Xiao
Research Fellow at
Dana Farber Cancer Institute and
Harvard Medical School
Seahorse XF Analyzer May 31, 2023
Rapid Accurate Detection of Mitochondrial Toxicity Using the Agilent Seahorse XF Pro George W. Rogers, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Expert
Bioassay Solutions, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 22, 2023
Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers Monika Gooz, M.D.,
Ph.D. Associate Professor of Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences
CZI Imaging Scientist, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Medical University of South Carolina
Cytation 5, Gen5 March 22, 2023
Spheroids–What, Why and How-to Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX December 7, 2022
Jenny Zhang, PhD, FAS Manager, Agilent Technologies
Cell Analysis
Agilent Technologies, Inc
NovoCyte flow cytometer June 27, 2022
Transforming Bioenergetic Measurements – Again James Hynes
Head of R&D
Cell Analysis
Agilent Technologies, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 3, 2022
Integrating measurements of respiration, metabolites, and mitochondrial membrane potential Ajit Divakaruni, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
Seahorse XF Analyzer January 6, 2022
Anup Srivastava, PhD, Field Applications Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Leena Paul, PhD, Product Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer August 9, 2021
Kevin Bittman, PhD, East Coast Field Applications Scientist, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Antoni Wandycz, Product Specialist, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer April 6, 2021
Jay Dunn, PhD, Applications Scientist Cell Analysis, Agilent; Bahar Rizi, PhD, Agilent product Specialist— Seahorse Applications, Instruments, and Consumables; Erica Underwood, PhD, Faculty Instructor and Researcher at the University of Texas Health Sciences’ McGovern Medical School in Houston Seahorse XF Analyzer December 1, 2020
Dr. Anup Srivastava, Field Application Specialist for Seahorse XF and Soluble Metabolic Sensor Technologies, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer November 10, 2020
Jay Dunn, Ph.D., Applications Scientist Cell Analysis, Agilent Seahorse XF Analyzer August 10, 2020
Kathryn V. Tormos, Ph.D, Seahorse XF Technology Applications Engineer, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Seahorse XF Analyzer June 29, 2020
Revealing Cellular Metabolic Phenotype and Function Using Agilent Seahorse XF Substrate Oxidation Stress Tests George W. Rogers, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Expert Bioassay Solutions, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer March 5th, 2020
ACEA Biosciences, a new part of Agilent Technologies: Combining Live Cell Imaging with Cellular Impedance Monitoring to Enrich Your Diverse Cell-Based Assays Information Brandon Lamarche, Ph.D. Principle Scientist, Head of xCELLigence Application Development, ACEA Biosciences, now part of Agilent
Jeff S. Xue, Ph.D. Marketing Director ACEA Biosciences, now part of Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer

xCELLigence RTCA instruments

Novocyte Flow Cytometers
October 8th, 2019
Measuring ATP production rates with the Seahorse XF Analyzer Ajit Divakaruni, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Seahorse XF Analyzer January 31, 2019
New solutions for measuring metabolism; harnessing the power of your plate reader James Hynes, Ph.D,
Research and Development,
Project Manager,
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Soluble Metabolic Sensor August 1, 2018
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Model Organisms
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Achieving deeper insights into complex cellular models through optical enhancements to automated confocal imaging Ernest Heimsath PhD,
Application Development Scientist,
Agilent Cell Analysis
Cytation C10 January 24, 2024
From Cells to Spheroids: High-throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate TGF-β Signaling in 2D and 3D Cellular Models Ernest Heimsath, PhD,
Application Development Scientist, Agilent Cell Analysis and Antony Wood, Ph.D., Senior Director, Product Design & Strategy, Cell Signaling Technology
406 FX June 28, 2023
Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers Monika Gooz, M.D.,
Ph.D. Associate Professor of Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences
CZI Imaging Scientist, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Medical University of South Carolina
Cytation 5, Gen5 March 22, 2023
Neurobiology Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Advancing Neurobiology Research: Quantify Neurite Outgrowth with a Powerful Automated Solution Rebecca Mongeon, PhD,
Applications Development Scientist,
Gen5 August 28, 2024
Learning About the Mitochondrial Role in a Lysosomal Storage Neurodegenerative Disorder Dr. Marina García-Macia
Ramón y Cajal Researcher
Institute of Functional Biology and Genomics (IBFG), University of Salamanca
Seahorse XF Analyzer March 30, 2023
Keeping the developing brain afloat: regulating the brain fluid stem cell niche Dr. Ryann Fame
Instructor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School (HMS); Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH)
Seahorse XF Analyzer July 29, 2021
Phenotypic metabolic screening in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using human derived astrocytes Dr Scott Allen
Neuroscience Lecturer
Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience
University of Sheffield
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 30, 2021
Jay Dunn, PhD, Applications Scientist Cell Analysis, Agilent; Bahar Rizi, PhD, Agilent product Specialist— Seahorse Applications, Instruments, and Consumables; Erica Underwood, PhD, Faculty Instructor and Researcher at the University of Texas Health Sciences’ McGovern Medical School in Houston Seahorse XF Analyzer December 1, 2020
Manish Bharadwaj, Ph.D., South East and Mid Atlantic Applications Scientist, Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer September 9, 2020
Measuring ATP production rates with the Seahorse XF Analyzer Ajit Divakaruni, Ph.D Assistant Professor, Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Seahorse XF Analyzer January 31, 2019
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Metabolic switches that drive stem cell specification and differentiation to a mature neuron Eva Szabo MSc, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Metabolism in Human Stem Cells and Cancer Development, Principal Investigator - Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute (SCC-RI), Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences and Department of Medicine, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University Seahorse XF Analyzer February 28, 2018
Obesity, Diabetes, & Metabolic Disorders
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
From data to biology—uncovering regulators of redox signaling and metabolic physiology Dr. Haopeng Xiao
Research Fellow at
Dana Farber Cancer Institute and
Harvard Medical School
Seahorse XF Analyzer May 31, 2023
Drug Discovery: Natural Products that Expand and Induce Brown Adipose Tissue using innovative Stem Cell Metabolism Assays Shahzad Ali, Ph.D.,
Senior Research Scientist
Plasticell Limited
Seahorse XF Analyzer

Soluble Metabolic Sensor
September 6, 2018
Stem Cell Biology
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Advancing Neurobiology Research: Quantify Neurite Outgrowth with a Powerful Automated Solution Rebecca Mongeon, PhD,
Applications Development Scientist,
Gen5 August 28, 2024
Xiaoyu Zhang, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Agilent Technologies
Field Applications Scientists
xCELLigence CardioECR Jan 19, 2022
Xiaoyu Zhang, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Agilent Technologies
Field Applications Scientists
xCELLigence CardioECR Feb 9, 2022
Overcoming Pitfalls in Live Cell Imaging Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX June 01, 2022
Agilent BioTek Lionheart Technology: Driving physiological relevance in early drug discovery Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX May 18, 2022
Automated, Efficient Imaging of 3D Glioma Tumoroid Invasion to Screen for MT1-MMP Inhibitors in 96-Well Format Gregg Fields, Ph.D. Executive Director,
I-HEALTH Professor,
Florida Atlantic University,
Ania Knapinska, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development,
Alphazyme and Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent
Cytation 5 April 20, 2022
Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager, Agilent
405 TS, BioStack, EL406, MultiFlo FX March 30, 2022
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 2 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 27, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 1 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 7, 2021
Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader Rebecca Mongeon, PhD.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation C10 July 28, 2021
Automated Sample Prep and Beyond Webinar Series Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10
Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory Chris Laucius, Ph.D,
Product Manager in Development, Agilent
Cytation C10 February 17, 2021
Next Generation Cytation Technology: A Revolutionary Modular Tool for Smarter Detection, Characterization & Screening Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Cytation C10 January 26, 2021
Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D; Principal Scientist, Agilent Cytation 5, Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 October 28, 2020
Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 7, EL406 May 27, 2020
Ask the Experts - Moving Cell Migration Research Forward with Integrated Solutions from BioTek Instruments Samila Nasrollahi, PhD.
Field Application Scientist,
Tom Lampert, Ph.D.,
Field Application Scientist,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientist
May 20, 2020
Understanding the Enemy: An Applied Review of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Dr. Kristen Peters Olson,
Field Applications Scientist
Cytation 5 May 13, 2020
Ask the Experts – Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing Diane M. Kambach, PhD.,
Brad Larson and Jared Amuan,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
EL406 May 05, 2020
3D Culture Methods and Imaging Considerations Brad Larson and Valerie Sodi,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 29, 2020
Ask the Experts – Studying Cellular Metabolism in Cancer and Beyond Dr. Valerie Sodi and Dr. Amanda Herberger,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Cytation 7 April 28, 2020
Ask the Experts – Scaling Up Your Science: Working in Multiwell Plate Dr. Katie Zlotkowski and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
April 21, 2020
Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies Joseph E. Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 15, 2020
Ask the Experts – Capturing the Host-Pathogen Interaction Kristen Peters, Ph.D.,
Britney Phippen, Ph.D.,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 14, 2020
Ask the Experts – Histology Workflow from Tissue Prep, Sectioning, and Staining to Imaging Dr. Amanda Herberger and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists
Lionheart FX April 07, 2020
Advances in Quantitative Image-Based Applications Utilizing a Powerful and Unique Combination of Imaging Tools Dr. Paul Held,
Applications Laboratory Manager
Cytation 7 March 25, 2020
Advances in Live Cell Imaging Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager and Rebecca Mongeon, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 5, BioSpa 8 November 13, 2019
Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Peter J. Brescia Jr.,MSc, MBA,
Applications Scientist
Synergy LX September 25, 2019
A fully automated solution for conducting cell migration assays using the AutoScratch Wound Making Tool Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
AutoScratch Wound Making Tool June 19, 2019
Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis Sarah Beckman, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX March 20, 2019
Keeping the developing brain afloat: regulating the brain fluid stem cell niche Dr. Ryann Fame
Instructor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School (HMS); Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH)
Seahorse XF Analyzer July 29, 2021
Jestine Ho, Applications Scientist, West Coast, Cell Analysis, Agilent Technologies, Inc.; Brian Kierce, Product Specialist for Seahorse XF, Agilent Technologies, Inc. Seahorse XF Analyzer February 2, 2021
SNPing in and out of the stem cell genome with CRISPR/Cas9 to investigate cardiovascular disease Chris Denning, Professor and Head of Department for Stem Cell Biology, Director of the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Seahorse XF Analyzer

xCELLigence RTCA instruments

xCELLigence RTCA Cardio instruments
September 24, 2019
Drug Discovery: Natural Products that Expand and Induce Brown Adipose Tissue using innovative Stem Cell Metabolism Assays Shahzad Ali, Ph.D.,
Senior Research Scientist
Plasticell Limited
Seahorse XF Analyzer
Soluble Metabolic Sensor
September 6, 2018
Metabolic switches that drive stem cell specification and differentiation to a mature neuron Eva Szabo MSc, PhD, Canada Research Chair in Metabolism in Human Stem Cells and Cancer Development, Principal Investigator - Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute (SCC-RI), Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences and Department of Medicine, Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, McMaster University Seahorse XF Analyzer February 28, 2018
Toxicology Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Advancing Neurobiology Research: Quantify Neurite Outgrowth with a Powerful Automated Solution Rebecca Mongeon, PhD,
Applications Development Scientist,
Gen5 August 28, 2024
Amir Wahba, PhD,
Senior Principal Scientist,
Visikol Inc.
xCELLigence RTCA January 26, 2023
Rapid Accurate Detection of Mitochondrial Toxicity Using the Agilent Seahorse XF Pro George W. Rogers, Ph.D.
Research Scientist, Expert
Bioassay Solutions, Cell Analysis Division, Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Seahorse XF Analyzer February 22, 2023
Expression and Intracellular Translocation of Cancer Biomarkers Monika Gooz, M.D.,
Ph.D. Associate Professor of Drug Discovery & Biomedical Sciences
CZI Imaging Scientist, Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Medical University of South Carolina
Cytation 5, Gen5 March 22, 2023
Spheroids–What, Why and How-to Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX December 7, 2022
LUCS: An Innovative Cell-based Assay Technology Jean Marc Josse, PhD, Founder,
Biohexis Conseil, Beta d'Orion
Cytation 5 October 12, 2022
Overcoming Pitfalls in Live Cell Imaging Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX June 01, 2022
Agilent BioTek Lionheart Technology: Driving physiological relevance in early drug discovery Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX May 18, 2022
Automated, Efficient Imaging of 3D Glioma Tumoroid Invasion to Screen for MT1-MMP Inhibitors in 96-Well Format Gregg Fields, Ph.D. Executive Director,
I-HEALTH Professor,
Florida Atlantic University,
Ania Knapinska, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development,
Alphazyme and Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent
Cytation 5 April 20, 2022
Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager, Agilent
405 TS, BioStack, EL406, MultiFlo FX March 30, 2022
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 2 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 27, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 1 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 7, 2021
Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader Rebecca Mongeon, PhD.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation C10 July 28, 2021
Automated Sample Prep and Beyond Webinar Series Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10
Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory Chris Laucius, Ph.D,
Product Manager in Development, Agilent
Cytation C10 February 17, 2021
Next Generation Cytation Technology: A Revolutionary Modular Tool for Smarter Detection, Characterization & Screening Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Cytation C10 January 26, 2021
Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D; Principal Scientist, Agilent Cytation 5, Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 October 28, 2020
Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 7, EL406 May 27, 2020
Ask the Experts - Moving Cell Migration Research Forward with Integrated Solutions from BioTek Instruments Samila Nasrollahi, PhD.
Field Application Scientist,
Tom Lampert, Ph.D.,
Field Application Scientist,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientist
May 20, 2020
Understanding the Enemy: An Applied Review of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Dr. Kristen Peters Olson,
Field Applications Scientist
Cytation 5 May 13, 2020
Ask the Experts – Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing Diane M. Kambach, PhD.,
Brad Larson and Jared Amuan,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
EL406 May 05, 2020
3D Culture Methods and Imaging Considerations Brad Larson and Valerie Sodi,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 29, 2020
Ask the Experts – Studying Cellular Metabolism in Cancer and Beyond Dr. Valerie Sodi and Dr. Amanda Herberger,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Cytation 7 April 28, 2020
Ask the Experts – Scaling Up Your Science: Working in Multiwell Plate Dr. Katie Zlotkowski and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
April 21, 2020
Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies Joseph E. Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 15, 2020
Ask the Experts – Capturing the Host-Pathogen Interaction Kristen Peters, Ph.D.,
Britney Phippen, Ph.D.,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 14, 2020
Ask the Experts – Histology Workflow from Tissue Prep, Sectioning, and Staining to Imaging Dr. Amanda Herberger and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists
Lionheart FX April 07, 2020
Advances in Quantitative Image-Based Applications Utilizing a Powerful and Unique Combination of Imaging Tools Dr. Paul Held,
Applications Laboratory Manager
Cytation 7 March 25, 2020
Advances in Live Cell Imaging Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager and Rebecca Mongeon, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 5, BioSpa 8 November 13, 2019
Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Peter J. Brescia Jr.,MSc, MBA,
Applications Scientist
Synergy LX September 25, 2019
A fully automated solution for conducting cell migration assays using the AutoScratch Wound Making Tool Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
AutoScratch Wound Making Tool June 19, 2019
Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis Sarah Beckman, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX March 20, 2019
Mechanism-based off-target screening de-risks clinical development of antiviral nucleoside/tide drugs Joy Feng, PhD
Principal Scientist, Gilead Sciences, Inc
Seahorse XF Analyzer December 9th, 2020
Utilizing Early Mitochondrial Screens in Drug Safety Toxicology Julie Eakins
Senior Research Scientist Cyprotex (an Evotec Company)
Seahorse XF Analyzer December 11, 2019
Screen out drug-induced mitochondrial toxicity in the early stages of drug development Karen Tilmant, PhD
Klaunig Lab, School of Public Health, Indiana University.
Bloomington, IN, USA
Seahorse XF Analyzer May 21, 2019
Assessment of Mitochondrial Toxicity - Workflow Advantages from Direct Measurement of Mitochondrial Function Daniel Gebhard
EMEA-Product Specialist Cell Analysis
Agilent Technologies
Seahorse XF Analyzer February, 2019
New solutions for measuring metabolism; harnessing the power of your plate reader James Hynes, Ph.D,
Research and Development,
Project Manager,
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Soluble Metabolic Sensor August 1, 2018
Normalizing Your Seahorse XF Data with Automated Cell Counting Brian Dranka, Ph.D.
Biology Manager
Cell Analysis Division, Agilent
Seahorse XF Analyzer June 20, 2018
Translational Research
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
From Cells to Spheroids: High-throughput Methods to Quantitatively Evaluate TGF-β Signaling in 2D and 3D Cellular Models Ernest Heimsath, PhD,
Application Development Scientist, Agilent Cell Analysis and Antony Wood, Ph.D., Senior Director, Product Design & Strategy, Cell Signaling Technology
406 FX June 28, 2023
Spheroids–What, Why and How-to Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX December 7, 2022
Title Presenters Analysis Platform Date
Overcoming Pitfalls in Live Cell Imaging Jamie Stern, PhD. and Allison Cross, PhD.,
Field Applications Scientists
BioSpa 8, Cytation 5, Cytation C10, Lionheart FX June 01, 2022
Agilent BioTek Lionheart Technology: Driving physiological relevance in early drug discovery Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX May 18, 2022
Automated, Efficient Imaging of 3D Glioma Tumoroid Invasion to Screen for MT1-MMP Inhibitors in 96-Well Format Gregg Fields, Ph.D. Executive Director,
I-HEALTH Professor,
Florida Atlantic University,
Ania Knapinska, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development,
Alphazyme and Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent
Cytation 5 April 20, 2022
Fixing and Staining Optimization for Microscopy Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager, Agilent
405 TS, BioStack, EL406, MultiFlo FX March 30, 2022
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 2 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 27, 2021
A Practical Guide for 3D Cell Culture Systems and Optimizing Spheroid Imaging Assays - Part 1 Brad Larson,
Product Manager - MarCom, Agilent and
Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist.
Cytation C10 October 7, 2021
Autophagy as a master immunometabolic regulator in T-cell-mediated protection against HIV-1 Infection Hamza Loucif PhD Candidate INRS-Centre Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie, Laval, Quebec, Canada Seahorse XF Analyzer September 16, 2021
Multimodal zebrafish workflows on a single automated confocal microscope plate reader Rebecca Mongeon, PhD.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation C10 July 28, 2021
Automated Sample Prep and Beyond Webinar Series Cytation 5, Cytation 7, Cytation C10
Cytation C10: An Affordable Confocal Imaging Reader for your Research Laboratory Chris Laucius, Ph.D,
Product Manager in Development, Agilent
Cytation C10 February 17, 2021
Next Generation Cytation Technology: A Revolutionary Modular Tool for Smarter Detection, Characterization & Screening Dr. Charles William Amirmansour,
Global Business Development Manager, Agilent
Cytation C10 January 26, 2021
Maximizing Fluorescent Signal Using Variable Bandwidth Monochromators for Plate Reader-Based Assay Optimization Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D; Principal Scientist, Agilent Cytation 5, Synergy H1, Synergy Neo2 October 28, 2020
Côme Thieulent, Gabrielle Sutton, Stéphane Pronost, Ph.D., LABEO Frank Duncombe xCELLigence RTCA October 1, 2020
Brandon Lamarche, Ph.D.,Agilent Technologies, Cell Analysis Division xCELLigence RTCA eSight August 26, 2020
Pavlo Gilchuk, Ph.D. and Robert Carnahan, Ph.D. Vanderbilt Vaccine Center xCELLigence RTCA August 5, 2020
Using Automated Imaging to Quantitatively Analyze the Colony Formation Assay Ernest Heimsath, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 7, EL406 May 27, 2020
Ask the Experts - Moving Cell Migration Research Forward with Integrated Solutions from BioTek Instruments Samila Nasrollahi, PhD.
Field Application Scientist,
Tom Lampert, Ph.D.,
Field Application Scientist,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientist
May 20, 2020
Understanding the Enemy: An Applied Review of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Dr. Kristen Peters Olson,
Field Applications Scientist
Cytation 5 May 13, 2020
Ask the Experts – Automation of Microplate-Based Assays - Tips for Increasing Throughput Utilizing Automated Washing and Dispensing Diane M. Kambach, PhD.,
Brad Larson and Jared Amuan,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
EL406 May 05, 2020
3D Culture Methods and Imaging Considerations Brad Larson and Valerie Sodi,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 29, 2020
Ask the Experts – Studying Cellular Metabolism in Cancer and Beyond Dr. Valerie Sodi and Dr. Amanda Herberger,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Cytation 7 April 28, 2020
Ask the Experts – Scaling Up Your Science: Working in Multiwell Plate Dr. Katie Zlotkowski and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
April 21, 2020
Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Cell Proliferation Studies Joseph E. Clayton, Ph.D.,
Global Scientific Program Manager, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 15, 2020
Ask the Experts – Capturing the Host-Pathogen Interaction Kristen Peters, Ph.D.,
Britney Phippen, Ph.D.,
Diane M. Kambach, Ph.D.,
Manager, Field Applications Scientists, Agilent
Lionheart FX April 14, 2020
Ask the Experts – Histology Workflow from Tissue Prep, Sectioning, and Staining to Imaging Dr. Amanda Herberger and Dr. Maggie Pruitt,
Field Applications Scientists
Lionheart FX April 07, 2020
Advances in Quantitative Image-Based Applications Utilizing a Powerful and Unique Combination of Imaging Tools Dr. Paul Held,
Applications Laboratory Manager
Cytation 7 March 25, 2020
Advances in Live Cell Imaging Paul Held, Ph.D.,
Laboratory Manager and Rebecca Mongeon, Ph.D.,
Principal Scientist, Agilent
Cytation 5, BioSpa 8 November 13, 2019
Biomolecular and Cellular Quantification Using a Multi-Mode Microplate Reader Peter J. Brescia Jr.,MSc, MBA,
Applications Scientist
Synergy LX September 25, 2019
A fully automated solution for conducting cell migration assays using the AutoScratch Wound Making Tool Joe Clayton, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
AutoScratch Wound Making Tool June 19, 2019
Zebrafish Imaging with Quantitative Analysis Sarah Beckman, PhD.,
Principal Scientist
Lionheart FX, Lionheart LX March 20, 2019
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