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ProteoAnalyzer System

ProteoAnalyzer System

The Agilent ProteoAnalyzer system is a parallel capillary electrophoresis instrument that automates the capillary electrophoresis-sodium dodecyl sulfate (CE-SDS) analysis of reduced and non-reduced protein samples. Able to separate 12 samples in as little as 30 minutes, this system is designed to eliminate the laborious process of SDS-PAGE gel preparation, staining/destaining, and analysis so you can focus on results.

The ProteoAnalyzer system separates proteins from 10 to 240 kDa allowing for the analysis of proteins over a wide range of sizes in a single run. The discrete individual capillaries are rejuvenated between every separation allowing for the analysis of diverse samples including monoclonal antibodies, biosimilars, protein purification fractions, and crude lysates.

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