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Unbelievably Powerful,
Remarkably Intelligent

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Enhanced Intelligence That Powers Ultimate Lab Productivity

Labs are continually challenged to go past their current capacity and meet cost-per-samples goals. This can be a difficult task while trying to rely on current workflow solutions and stay within budget. The trend towards more self-aware, intelligent tools are helping to overcome these obstacles by increasing efficiency without incurring a higher cost-of-ownership.

The Agilent 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS was developed to help labs solve these challenges. With built-in intelligence powered by MassHunter software and new ease-of-maintenance innovations, your lab is able to reduce downtime and meet productivity demands while lowering costs. The enhanced uptime of the 6475 LC/TQ increases your sample throughput and efficiency without having to add instruments and lab personnel or extend lab hours.

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  • Intelligent Reflex: Reinjects your samples based on worklist logic.
  • Carryover detection: Adds additional blanks to ensure the next sample isn’t affected by the prior one.
  • Above Calibration Range: Detects if a sample is outside the calibration range. If so, the sample is reinjected with lower volume.
  • Fast screening:Evaluates samples using a fast-screening method. If a presumptive positive is detected, a comprehensive analysis is performed on that sample.

Tweaking and fine-tuning your liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry system to optimize analytical performance is challenging and time consuming. An innovative tuning algorithm using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in the 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS takes the guesswork out of achieving peak performance. Smart procedures utilize machine learning techniques to evaluate many parameters simultaneously, resulting in faster startup time and greater consistency.

Unexpected instrument issues and the resulting downtime is extremely disruptive, especially if you don’t know the source of the problem. The 6475 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer monitors its own vitals, giving you a real-time overview of the system's health. Key operational areas are tracked and monitored as part of early maintenance feedback (EMF), to help you pinpoint where and when issues may arise.
Agilent HydroInert Inert Source

Ready When You Are: Schedule Calibration in Advance with Time-saving Software

Start your day with immediate productivity with a scheduled autotune. Automatically set your 6475 LC/MS to tune and calibrate before you arrive at the lab. Or set the instrument to periodically produce check-tune reports at specified intervals.

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MassHunter software

Develop Methods Faster Using our Intelligent Optimizer

Developing targeted triple quadrupole LC/MS (LC/TQ) methods from start to finish is a complex, time-consuming, and multi-step workflow. The intelligent optimizer in MassHunter 12 software maximizes operational efficiency—especially in QA/QC lab environments—by fully optimizing method parameters, MRM transitions, and retention-time assignments for you automatically.

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GC Intelligence

Reduce Maintenance Time from Hours to Minutes with VacShield

Maintaining your LC/MS has never been easier. VacShield lets you remove the capillary and run the cleaning cycle in as few as 30 minutes—compared to at least six hours for maintenance via venting and disassembly. Use your valuable lab time to focus on sample analysis.

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ACT label

Meet Your Sustainability Goals

Designed to help labs meet sustainability goals with innovations that reduce energy consumption and the need for costly maintenance, ultimately lowering cost-of-ownership. The sustainability of the 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS is verified by My Green Lab with their Accountability, Consistency, and Transparency (ACT) label. The label provides details about the instrument’s environmental impact to help you make informed, sustainable choices for your lab.

Learn more about Agilent sustainable lab solutions.

Triple Quadrupole LC/MS Portfolio

Our family of triple quadrupole liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry systems brings powerful analytical capability to a wide range of applications. These solutions provide the capabilities and performance to solve nearly any analytical challenge.

Agilent Ultivo LC/TQ

Agilent 6475 LC/TQ

Agilent 6495 LC/TQ

Analyze hundreds of pesticides at once

Maximize laboratory productivity and efficiency with a comprehensive analysis workflow that targets over 500 pesticides in a single run. View Poster

Forensic Drug Screening

Develop methods faster with our intelligent optimizer while also significantly reducing run time, sample consumption, and automatically optimizing forensic compounds. View Poster
Learn how your lab can achieve ultimate productivity with the new Agilent 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS system.
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